What made you smile recently?

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An apex predator is a top of the chain predator. I wouldn't call a chimp an apex predator though since a large portion of their diet is veges and insects like termites, with only a small part being smaller mammals.
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An apex predator is a top of the chain predator. I wouldn't call a chimp an apex predator though since a large portion of their diet is veges and insects like tetmites, with only a small part being smaller mammals.
True to a degree, but having seen them planning and executing (in every sense of the word) an attack on colobus monkeys, I'd say they were pretty vicious brutes when they feel like it.
True to a degree, but having seen them planning and executing (in every sense of the word) an attack on colobus monkeys, I'd say they were pretty vicious brutes when they feel like it.
My Goodness, it is their own kind! Species I mean...do the chimps then eat the monkeys??
When a human being has really gone beyond being fresh, no zip lock bag will help, but they will use one anyway.


And when they thaw you out, they will overcook you and store well burnt roast in an urn or just mix it into a pit.
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