View attachment 60930
So, let me get this straight. I can either microwave the burrito and start eating it in a minute and a half. Or, I can put it in the oven, and wait 34 minutes to eat. That’s a tough one.
This might be one reason I don’t eat frozen foods very often. I just took this out of the freezer. For the record, I microwaved it, then pan fried it.
Cool. Do you get all you need? I heard of DuckDuck or similarly funny named search page...have used it for a while, but am Googling back on...
It was in the media a year ago or so...probably within a pre-election campaign...along with speculations about his newborn twins...Vladimir Putin was voted Russia's sexiest man
In a population of 144 million, 160 million voted Russia's president as the sexiest man in the country
View attachment 60898
All of which reminds me about some England fans who went to the World Cup in Germany. They parked their car and one of them had the bright idea of writing down the name of the street they had parked in. Unfortunately for them, what he had written down was Einbahnstraße, which as those with just a little knowledge of German means "one way street."
Cool. Do you get all you need? I heard of DuckDuck or similarly funny named search page...have used it for a while, but am Googling back on...