What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2024)?

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Four cloves is a lot? I suppose if it’s all going in one recipe it might be but if I only had four cloves I’d be checking the freezer to make sure I had back up garlic 😂
It’s a lot for me because I don’t really “cook” every day any more - lots of salads.

I also have two tennis ball-sized heads in the dark storage.
Four cloves is a lot? I suppose if it’s all going in one recipe it might be but if I only had four cloves I’d be checking the freezer to make sure I had back up garlic 😂
I'd be worrying about running out of garlic when I'm down to 4 bulbs.
Me too. I put 7-8 cloves of garlic in my aglio e olio yesterday. I tend to buy 1/2 kg at a time - and it never goes in the fridge, by the way. Always outside in the vegetable rack, along with potatoes, onions and tomatoes.
I only put it into the fridge when it's garlic for planting outside. The cold triggers the germination process and sets it growing.
It took some finding because sadly my supermarket have moved it to the discontinued shelf, but I found the black garlic we love so much.


It looks like I'll have to return to buying it online or at the specialist shops again.

I also picked up (elsewhere) during the week

To add to the green garlic powder I have at home.
Oh! That's a good tip - I'll give that a go.
It needs about 4-5 days. I currently have mine on the windowsill in water.


The biggest is ready to plant out, but the others need a little more time. It gets them a few weeks to a month ahead of the game.

(The pins are wedged between the cloves because the bulbs were smaller this year due to poor growing conditions.)
I buy this bag of peeled fresh garlic. Then I rough chop in a mini food processor, nothing added. Place into zip top sandwich bags and press as thin as possible. I freeze the bags flat in an airtight container, so my ice cubes don't taste like garlic. When I need fresh garlic, I snap off a piece and put the bag back I freezer.

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