What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2024)?

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Hmm, Looks like cheesecake Pie.
A whole load of produce today...


Some through the post and a visit to a "local" supermarket.


The saffron was 40% off on a black Friday special, so given I was down to the last 2g of the previous container, I took the opportunity to buy some more. I've used this brand before so know it's good stuff. That will probably last me 6 months I guess.
Thought I’d better sort out the turkey for Crimbo.
Have decided for the first time to go with just the crown this year because the legs always seem to go to waste and I do run out of enthusiasm to deal with them.
M&S as usual have some nice shortcuts so obviously I have to take advantage of that!

Here the turkey legs are much liked and my son usually has a whole one to himself! I have both Morrsons and Ocado turkeys in my Christmas baskets and need to decide which to cancel at some point.
I use leftover turkey legs and thighs for soup or salad. Breast for sandwiches.
I’ve often in the past forced myself to strip the leg meat off and make soup but I never enjoy doing it, I’m usually very cooked out by that point and don’t want to do it.

I usually prefer leg too but I’m thinking I might sous vide the crown this year.
Here the turkey legs are much liked and my son usually has a whole one to himself! I have both Morrsons and Ocado turkeys in my Christmas baskets and need to decide which to cancel at some point.
I had both Ocado and Morrisons turkeys in the basket too 😂
But in the end I went directly to M&S as Mr SSOAP always picks up the turkey on Christmas Eve while I cook and that gives me a chance to give him a list of anything that didn’t turn up with the food delivery.

Of course I have to do that in increments -
Ah when you’re picking up the turkey could you get a pat of butter?
Oh and the piccalilli didn’t turn up
Hmm right..

Then as he’s leaving I’ll add the final couple of missing items to the list. It’s a bit like food shopping Buckeroo, can I add one more item before the stubborn mule starts kicking? 😂
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