Forum GOD!
I'm slightly ashamed to say the new Ghostbusters film.
I'm a sucker for a sequel to any old childhood favourite.
I'm a sucker for a sequel to any old childhood favourite.
Oh that was ghastly and painful to watch.The only news over here was the Biden v Trump debate.
Last night, it was my turn to pick a movie, and I wanted something fun and stupid, nothing too heavy, so we landed on the 1990 cult classic “I Come in Peace” (aka Dark Angel), starring Dolph Lundgren as a cop with no use for the rules, on the hunt for an alien drug dealer who overdoses humans on heroin so he can extract the endorphins it produces, which is a highly sought after drug on his planet.
Yeah, it’s as good as it sounds.
I think my favorite part of the whole movie is one of the weapons the alien has to quickly dispatch any adversaries - he shoots a CD (yes, you read that right) out of his suit that flies around at high speed and slices the throats of any number of people, ricocheting off this and that to get the job done.
It’s so hilariously stupid on so many fronts, from the explanation (“It’s essentially a charged magnet, and as such, is attracted to magnets with a reversed polarity, and humans carry a small electrical charge in our bodies, so therefore, it’s attracted to us…with deadly results.”), to what stopped it (it got stuck in a PA system speaker, because the speaker had a big magnet in it), right up to the way our hero figured it out (surveying the scene with another cop, trying to figure out how they were killed so quickly, he just instantly surmised that “Maybe we shouldn’t look at the killer, but the weapon…maybe, just maybe, he fired something…something like a disk…that, that…killed the first guy, then ricocheted around the room, killing all the other guys…wait a minute…” and then he walked over to the speaker, popped the cover off, and there it was, just waiting to be found!).
It also contains the cheesiest of cheesy badass comebacks:
Alien: “I come in peace” - a phrase he always says before killing his targets
Dolph (before shooting the alien with his own “spacegun” - yes, they call it a spacegun): “Then go…in pieces!” - BLAMMO!!!
Just across the street, on the left side of Music Hall if you’re facing the back of it, is a tiny little hotel called, appropriately enough, The Symphony Hotel, which has the most charming little bar inside.In two hours, we're off the "The Pitch", a Sports Bar opposite the Cincinnati FC stadium
Here’s everything we watched tonight, starting around 5:30PM:
General Hospital (MrsT)
America’s Funniest Videos (MrsT, though I usually like the animal section)
All Creatures Great & Small
Miss Scarlet & The Duke
Turned it off around 9:30PM.
Those sorts of movies drive MrsT crazy!I watched "How it ends" last night. Good movie till the end. It didn't explain anything. Just ended. LOL
Yeah, Paris 2024, will be watching some sports too!I truly don't plan on watching much TV until the Olympics, and only certain events. Gymnastics, swimming, diving, pole vaulting, archery. Those sort of things.