What will you be watching on TV tonight (2025)?

“Zoolander” (or just “Zoo”) is one of my (many) family nicknames, based on how I’m seen as the misfit of the family.

We had a very daft dog once (who I absolutely adored) that was an exceptionally good looking crufts winner.
He was 18 months old when we got him and mostly had so much happy in him he didn’t now what to do with it, an absolute ray of sunshine, but if not getting the right amount of attention he could be quite the sulker.
Unlike most dogs he wasn’t interested in food. You had to work to keep any weight on him by giving him highly calorific food and if he was upset with you for any perceived slight he would sulk and refuse to eat.

After about two weeks of him being in the house I was explaining the best way to handle him and Mr SSOAP said
“Sooo what you’re saying is we’ve taken on a temperamental, anorexic, dum model dog?”
“Urr yeah I suppose so”

And that was that. Zoolander he was 😂
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Lucy Worsley is back!

Just finished series 2 of ‘The Change’ on channel 4
If you have even a vague interest in menopause it’s worth watching. Amusing and brilliantly observed.
Mr SSOAP has just watched the first one and said it’s like someone’s been following you around and writing down everything you’ve said for the last two years 😂

It’s also very funny about what the rural folk of the Forest of Dean are like.
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