It's the fact that they beat you up, not that they took your display.
Getting beaten up was the least of my issues. I've got little scars all over where I've been stabbed with scissors, shot with a pellet gun, stabbed in the foot with a screwdriver, you name it. They once tied me to a tricycle and pushed me down the long staircase in our first house.
Locked in closets, cupboards, once they tried to crack my head open by running the power seat in our old station wagon closed on top of my head.
Four older brothers...but my older sister was the worst. They were just rambunctious, but she was cruel for no reason other than being mad at the world. She rarely physically attacked me (though she did brain me with an old Native American ax head we found when we were clearing the land to build the house).
My parents would leave her in charge, and she's tell me elaborate stories about how there was a kid between me and her, but she murdered him, and she might just be inclined to do it again. We never had much money growing up, and I saved and saved and saved and bought a portable cassette player (I still remember, it cost $17 from Grant's department store, which was a solid fortune to me), and she asked to borrow it, and as soon as I handed it over, she smashed it to a million pieces on the ground and laughed. No reason, just cruel.
But, what's really funny is that she picks food off other people's plates, too.
OMG, I used to work with a woman who did this. She was just way too familiar with her coworkers that way. She'd come over to my desk to ask a question, and just start eating my fries.
Fries are sacrosanct to me. Even if she'd asked nicely, I would have said no. Even MrsTasty is not allowed any of my fries. Not one, so a coworker I didn't even care for that much...not happening.
She used to also do crap like if you hung your coat up, and one of the sleeves was kind of bunched up, she'd fix it, or if your collar wasn't folded quite right (meaning, on the shirt you're wearing), she'd just reach up and fix it. She did it to everyone.
She also made a habit of staring at all the guys' crotches. You know how a lot of women complain about men staring at their breasts while talking, as in, "Hey, my eyes are up here?" That was her and guys' crotches. The way the cubes were configured at work, our backs were to the open part, so if she came to talk to you, you had to turn around, and immediately, her eyes lowered, and suddenly, it was like she was having a conversation with Mr. Johnson.
She also like to flick people, like in the back of the ear or on the arm, like two little kids riding in a car will do.