This place has definitely caught me in the right mood - I'm loving it, even though it’s fairly noisy (and
very bright - neon paint everywhere).
Sometimes, you go in a place here, like an Irish bar or a Chinese place, and it’s campy and sort of offensive.
Then you walk in a place like I’m in now, it’s so crazy, over-the-top campy, you can’t help but love it. I’m listening to the hits of Tom Jones, Roy Orbison and the like…done by a cheesy mariachi band - it’s <bleeping> great.
The waitresses are all “plump, purty, and flirty,” and the bartender is an artiste - I just watched him fill a giant square glass goblet with some kind of frozen margarita mix, put about a half-pound of fresh fruit slices all around the edge, and to top it off, he upended two Seagrams alkie-pops in there, and they’re slowly oozing out and coloring the much lighter-colored frozen goop.
It’s insane. It’s like I walked through that door and entered another dimension. I <bleeping> love it! I might just run off with my waitress.