Whatcha drinking (2024)?

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There is no such thing as almond milk. It is almond juice. Almonds don't have teats.*


* "borrowed" from Lewis Black.
Someone needs to give Lew an updated dictionary:



For some godawful reason, no one has cocktail straws, so I had to resort to paper umbrellas for our rum-and-no-name-diet-cola.
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For some godawful reason, no one has cocktail straws, so I had to resort to paper umbrellas for our rum-and-no-name-diet-cola.
Are cocktail straws made of paper or plastic?
A most single use plastic for food is banned in the UK including straws (although there are exceptions), is the same thing happening in the US?
Are cocktail straws made of paper or plastic?
A most single use plastic for food is banned in the UK including straws (although there are exceptions), is the same thing happening in the US?
They’re tiny plastic straws, really meant to be used as stirrers, not to actually drink through.

There’re some cities that are banning things like that, but by and large, it’s still the Wild West here for plastic bags, straws, and such.
They’re tiny plastic straws, really meant to be used as stirrers, not to actually drink through.

There’re some cities that are banning things like that, but by and large, it’s still the Wild West here for plastic bags, straws, and such.
Ah plastic stirrers are also on the naughty step 😂
I suppose it depends who’s manufacturing them. As the market for them shrinks and they switch to non plastic alternatives the places who don’t introduce single use plastic bans will be dragged along by default.
Ah plastic stirrers are also on the naughty step 😂
I suppose it depends who’s manufacturing them. As the market for them shrinks and they switch to non plastic alternatives the places who don’t introduce single use plastic bans will be dragged along by default.
I’m already growing enamored of my frilly brollies, so I’m feeling better about the whole thing. :laugh:
This photo was from Friday. We went to a bar called "La Esquina" (The Corner).
As an aside, but in order to explain the beers:
The centre of Caracas was built in traditional Spanish fashion. Streets and avenues, in identical blocks - just like NY. People identify their location by saying things like "estoy en la esquina de Gradillas a San Jacinto" ( I'm at The Steps & St Hyacinth), because every single corner in the centre has a name. " The Nun", " The Fat Girl", " Pepe the German", "Watch out!", etc.
The bar we went to has over a dozen artisan beers, all named after a corner in Caracas. My personal favourite is "Gradillas" which is (in my opinion) an almost perfect IPA. "La Monja" (The Nun) is a non-alcoholic beverage. "Pepe the German" is a festbier, and so on.
We took some friends who are beer drinkers and they just loved it. We had a double taster, which involved small glasses of American Lager, German Lager, Pilsen, Festbier, Pale Ale, IPA, Red ale and Porter. This is my son wondering what all the fuss is about, because he only drinks Coke:
Cerveceria La Esquina.jpg

As an aside for TastyReuben , they make some mean pizzas, using the left over malt and brewer's yeast in the bread!

$13 for a Maker’s and cola - well, they say there’s one born every minu…hold on…!

At least they switched over to Pet Shop Boys’ Always on my Mind.
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