What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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I am getting cabin fever....
The weather rarely stops me going outside if I need to. It's coming down fairly steadily now, and is supposed to turn into periods of downpour before it's over, but I'm going out later, and I'm even looking forward to it.
The weather rarely stops me going outside if I need to. It's coming down fairly steadily now, and is supposed to turn into periods of downpour before it's over, but I'm going out later, and I'm even looking forward to it.

Today it has been raining very heavily and it is cold. Supposed to be dry tomorrow so hopefully we will get a walk.
Spent a few hours out in the garden after swimming yesterday. The veg plot now has 1 climbing frame for broadbeans and peas. Need something higher for the runners.
The water tank now has 2 taps not one which will make life easier but the tap had also been raised up to 1m above the base of the tank so that the fire brigade will always have water. Our tank is a gravity feed system so won't empty passed that 1m level easily. The RFS will have their own pump which can easily be used. This is now the default on new tank installs, but ours isn't a new install by any means.
I also planted out 2 sweet potato slips into large black pots. Here's hoping it really is a case of liking warm soil because it will be in summer. But the info says pots and full sun.
And the soil was dig over for the potatoes to go in. I'm just waiting for it to get warmer to venture into the garden today. Something somewhere above freezing would do nicely!
Spent a few hours out in the garden after swimming yesterday. The veg plot now has 1 climbing frame for broadbeans and peas. Need something higher for the runners.
The water tank now has 2 taps not one which will make life easier but the tap had also been raised up to 1m above the base of the tank so that the fire brigade will always have water. Our tank is a gravity feed system so won't empty passed that 1m level easily. The RFS will have their own pump which can easily be used. This is now the default on new tank installs, but ours isn't a new install by any means.
I also planted out 2 sweet potato slips into large black pots. Here's hoping it really is a case of liking warm soil because it will be in summer. But the info says pots and full sun.
And the soil was dig over for the potatoes to go in. I'm just waiting for it to get warmer to venture into the garden today. Something somewhere above freezing would do nicely!

Very similar here, green peas are appearing, not ready to eat yet. But not far. Beans are climbing too. Potatoes should be ready for Xmas day. Nice sunny day here.

I thought I'd picked the very last of my cherry tomatoes the other day, but this morning I went out there and crop no. 5 is starting to grow. They don't seem to care what the weather is like, and it has been frosty a few mornings. Of course my garden faces north. And, yes, they are orange. Seeds from an escapee Riverford tomato which I found in the back of the bottom shelf in my "larder".
Home grown cherry tomatoes.jpg
We are going to have our first freeze tonight, so my pepper plants and basil will be done for this year. I'll pick the last few peppers before I go to bed.

We are going to have our first freeze tonight, so my pepper plants and basil will be done for this year. I'll pick the last few peppers before I go to bed.

I haven't had any peppers at all this year. The plants are still far too small, but they are still growing in spite of the cold weather. I may have to cover them soon though and keep my fingers crossed.
Orange tomatoes are up and growing, chillies planted out into bigger pots. A lot of chillies havnt sprouted yet. Although red long chillies I planted from seed gave me 13 to plant out.

Just a few from the garden. I have cucumber seeds germinating in the house in water. They'll need soil tomorrow.

I've found a single courgette seed that has germinate, so I'll have to sew some more tomorrow as well. Whilst looking for courgette seedlings, I did come across 2 watermelon seeds that have germinated, both in the same pot so I have carefully separated them before it became impossible.

The squashes have done really well and I have 6 or 7 plants, so they can go out this weekend when I've chosen a location for them. I will most likely put them outside of the veg plot. Chickens haven't in the past bothered them.

Everything else is doing well. Peas, Snow peas, broad beans, spinach, rocket, carrots and sweet potatoes have all gone in.

2 larger tomatoes are already potted up and 2 double aubergine (2 plants in 1 pot but can't separate them because it's too late, but I bought them that way) are in temporary bigger pots until all risk of frost has passed. We're due another next week! It's 33°C today. They have dill and garlic chives hidden amongst them.

Everything else is ticking over, already in the ground because it was there before winter. But I have obtained a second olive tree because I was able to show hubby that they need a companion for fertilisation.

Tomorrow is also getting the tatties in the ground. They won't have their heads above ground before the next frost is due so I should be ok. I've only got Red King Edward's and Pink Fir Apple this year but that will be fine.

The weekend is forecast to be wet on Saturday night and most of Sunday. That's not a problem, we swim on Sunday mornings anyway (just with the volume forecast, we could be quite glad we're living on a hill else we'd be swimming elsewhere :whistle: ). Saturday will be good for getting the onions, leeks, runner beans, kale, and other tomatoes either planted on or planted out. Plus there's a few extras from free seeds that or supermarket were doing for 4 weeks. Those are now needing planting on, that's easy because they are in those containers that roots grow through but are a nightmare for drying out!

Just a few from the garden. I have cucumber seeds germinating in the house in water. They'll need soil tomorrow.

I've found a single courgette seed that has germinate, so I'll have to sew some more tomorrow as well. Whilst looking for courgette seedlings, I did come across 2 watermelon seeds that have germinated, both in the same pot so I have carefully separated them before it became impossible.

The squashes have done really well and I have 6 or 7 plants, so they can go out this weekend when I've chosen a location for them. I will most likely put them outside of the veg plot. Chickens haven't in the past bothered them.

Everything else is doing well. Peas, Snow peas, broad beans, spinach, rocket, carrots and sweet potatoes have all gone in.

2 larger tomatoes are already potted up and 2 double aubergine (2 plants in 1 pot but can't separate them because it's too late, but I bought them that way) are in temporary bigger pots until all risk of frost has passed. We're due another next week! It's 33°C today. They have dill and garlic chives hidden amongst them.

Everything else is ticking over, already in the ground because it was there before winter. But I have obtained a second olive tree because I was able to show hubby that they need a companion for fertilisation.

Tomorrow is also getting the tatties in the ground. They won't have their heads above ground before the next frost is due so I should be ok. I've only got Red King Edward's and Pink Fir Apple this year but that will be fine.

The weekend is forecast to be wet on Saturday night and most of Sunday. That's not a problem, we swim on Sunday mornings anyway (just with the volume forecast, we could be quite glad we're living on a hill else we'd be swimming elsewhere :whistling: ). Saturday will be good for getting the onions, leeks, runner beans, kale, and other tomatoes either planted on or planted out. Plus there's a few extras from free seeds that or supermarket were doing for 4 weeks. Those are now needing planting on, that's easy because they are in those containers that roots grow through but are a nightmare for drying out!

That's a pretty awesome effort! You won't be going hungry this summer.
That's a pretty awesome effort! You won't be going hungry this summer.
Thank you.
Until we went off to cycle around the world (attempt to anyway) we used to grow all of our own vegetable, herbs and a lot of our fruit. We're trying hard to get back to that. At our previous property in Australia, we were nearly there but had to move suddenly.

All of my garlic had perished this year. It's too late now. Australia seems only to have the hard stemmed garlic which is the overwinter variety. I haven't been able to find soft stemmed garlic anywhere. Anything that was Autumn only planting had been missed. It will have to happen in 5 months time. But my borders are full of things like winter savory, creeping rosemary, creeping common thyme, normal rosemary, parsley, oregano, coriander and a few I've forgotten. I've not got sage yet, nor had the bay tree been planted, but I can always just pot that on. The fenced veg plot carries on to the right of the 2 rhubarb plants by more than 150% of what you can see, so that and half again and is too wide to net off in one lot of netting. It won't stop a determined rosella, but it will stop the chickens and there are fruit trees (nectarines, apricot, apple, fig, lemon, pear and a few unknowns I'm trying to save, plus quince) all around the place. It should help save some money through summer and Autumn. I've just got to get the lettuce, beetroot, radish and general salad stuff in once all risk of frost has passed because sadly the veg plot itself is in the most exposed part of the garden and whilst I can cover over the sweet potatoes with rugs, anything in the veg plot id's on its own!. And I've just remembered the grape vine. It is a mass of flower buds this year. Providing I can keep getting the grey water to it from the dishes and hand washing, we'll get a great crop. (It also currently gets a lot of rain water from a massive hole that has appeared in the guttering...)
I'm jealous - My garden is only 25 x 18 ft and has a hazel tree and an elder tree in it, not forgetting a zooming dog. Not much room for much else except for what can be grown in pots.

I've never had any luck growing chillies, although I have grown peppers. However, my daughter grows chillies (in a pot on the table out in her garden) and it's nearly always colder where she lives - is there a moral here?
Just back from nearly 2 hrs in the veg plot. 1hr of which was in the sunshine and in the UV alert time. Grrr. 7am to 9am and it was already 26°C when I stopped for the day.

All I managed to get done was planting out some beetroot seedlings, there's a complete row in there now, about 2-3m long. Extended the carrot rows to include more beetroot... it was what needed planting.

Then I moved on to the potatoes. Hubby said he had dug over the area I had asked him to but not broken up the lumps. Humm he might think he had but... finally 16 seed potatoes are in the ground, which is all of my King Edward's potatoes, 1kg of seed potatoes.

I'm doing a series of trenches this season. The produce is being planted in the trench. The idea is that it will make watering easier. Just put the hose pipe down for a few minutes, them move it... If I get it right I should be able to join them up so that they all water each other, but that might be more than I'm up to yet. However I have an idea to use some spare guttering that might just allow this idea... though it will never function as guttering again if I do.

So the next task is to plant the seeds that have germinated in water and pot on a few others. Then I need to varnish the patio table again. It will get it's second layer on the top. The test doesn't need much more, but I may give the top of the table feet another layer for good measure. That is once I have the kerosene off the varnish brush!
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