Forum GOD!
Crops look good SatNavSaysStraightOn lots of stuff going on. You are marginally ahead of me with the melons. First Strawberries picked yesterday.
I haven't got anyFirst Strawberries picked
Tell me about it. Spent the day in the garden desperately trying to dig holes and keep chooks out of them whilst I planted out some more veg. Only for tonight to have to light the fire, and cover all my seedlings, tomatoes, dill, fennel, sweet potatoes, and a few other bits like those newly planted out squashes which are not hardy.well it is November.
My garden is pretty much done for this season. My rosemary and oregano plants will keep going through the winter, but everything else is done after our first freeze last week. My thyme plant would usually last through the winter, but it was damaged by the arborists who groomed my live oak tree. It was getting pretty leggy, so I didn't make a fuss. I'll plant a new one in the Spring, in some fresh soil and compost.
So, you folks down under will have to take over for us up here for the next few months.
rascal, exact opposite here.
Managed to get 2 hours digging in this morning from 7am to 9am before it got too hot.
I was able to eat what needed watering. But couldn't plant out what needed planting out. But very hot dry weather isn't a good time to be planting out. Hopefully I'll get chance to divide a few plants this afternoon, but I'm hiding in the house at the moment at least until the sun leaves the veranda. Then I may sit out or I may revarnish the patio table. I've also got the gas BBQ to clean now I have the suitable cleaner.
Otherwise the garden is getting left to itself today. I'll get another couple of hours in tomorrow as well hopefully. But tomorrow is meant to be hotter, drier and windier and generally not a good day to be out.
Not sure. They've upgraded our local fire risk from severe to extreme, so from level 4 to level 5 out of 6. It's only been that high once before whilst we've been living here in Australia. Basically if there's a fire, there is a distinct chance of loss of life.Sounds like you're ok??