What's going on in your garden (2024)?

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Presumably you don't get deer or rabbits or other animals in your garden?

Around these parts, my veg plot has to be fully enclosed because of the native wildlife. What kangaroos and wallabies don't eat, the wombats, cockatoos or rosellas will destroy.
Deer no - they’re in the neighborhood, but they don’t come into my yard. Definitely don’t have to worry about kangaroos or wallabies here in Canada!

I do have issues with bunnies, skunks (they like to dig stuff up), raccoons, and Norm the groundhog. I use a motion-activated sprinkler, blood meal, and shredded smelly soap to try to keep them away. I am planning to also try coyote urine this year. It’s a battle - I usually lose a couple plants a year to critters.
I imagine we've all got problems with animals and insects in our gardens. No bunnies or racoons here - we mostly get rats and possums - but the insects are incredible. There are leaf eater ants that will strip a plant overnight; there are caterpillars that will destroy tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, there are birds that will eat all the chiles and the tomatoes. sometimes I'm just at a loss to decide what to fumigate next, and with what! Then, as soon as the rainy season starts, we get fungus. In the ground , on the plants, in the air.
All of these sprouted on their own, so I potted them up:


Marigolds and petunias.
Sunshine and showers again. TVC went out earlier to do more but it was raining, never a good idea to use electrical equipment in that type of weather so called off. Now it is almost lunch time the sun is back out. The lawns are too wet to mow and rain is forecast for the rest of this week so lawns are going to be ignored again.
We have both been busy, achieved a lot, no lawn mowing just ground preparation. Finished just in time as the rain has returned.
This afternoon we both got cracking outside, TVC trimmed back the hedge, weeding, rotavated a big patch of ground and strimmed some of the lawn ready for me to mow, yes it was that long. I mowed back and front lawns and did some weeding, you can see where we have been so a very productive day.
I may have gotten a wee bit carried away at the native plant sale last weekend…

There’s Ohio spiderwort, false indigo, showy tick-trefoil, new england aster, wild strawberry, sky blue aster, grey-headed coneflower, prarie cinquefoil, foxglove beardtongue, and wild bergamot.

Of course I’m away at a conference this week, so most of them will have to wait to be planted out. I’m always behind in the gardening chores!
TVC has spent a lot of time and energy tidying up a big part of our front garden, rotavated, added soil improver etc...so last night it took us both a good hour or so to put in all the new plants we bought on Sunday, we need more but we now have a better idea of how many, also we have a mini so limited space in the back.

They have been watered in but rain is forecast for today so hopefully that will give them a boost.
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