What's going on in your garden (2024)?

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All metal, it’s meant to spin in the wind, and sits perfectly centered right outside the kitchen window, so I can see it when I’m doing the washing up.
The rain is coming down side ways :ohmy:
I don't miss the UK weather.

We get it here as well.

We need to cut the lawn, but after a week of rain, and 10mm overnight on Friday into Saturday, we've got standing water in the lawn, and the rabbits and wombats are homeless again. (Their burrows are full of water.) So no cutting the lawn. It's that bad that even weeding is currently out.
Husband and I edged around the veggie garden today, and got the plastic down that I’m using to solarize the soil in half of the garden (I’m pretty sure I have a fungal disease that’s living in the soil, this will kill it).

Left the house, came back a few hour later, and something has eaten 3 of my brussels sprout plants! Almost completely defoliated. Probably either a rabbit or a groundhog.

I’m considering taking up hunting.
For the past few months we (mostly TVC) have been working on the front garden, we have kept a few established hebes but everything else has gone, re-edged the lawn, rotavated, added soil improver and added a whole load of new perennials and a few shrubs. It is now complete and looks great, will look even better next year when everything has had chance to settle and grow. The heavy rain lately has been a bit of a blessing to help water them in, now we need some sunshine.
Left the house, came back a few hour later, and something has eaten 3 of my brussels sprout plants!
It is quite frustrating. My boyfriend is fighting with slugs, snails and groundhogs, this and last year. Even flower roots don't get spared...he is trying a variety of measures...so far nothing is working satisfactory...
It is quite frustrating. My boyfriend is fighting with slugs, snails and groundhogs, this and last year. Even flower roots don't get spared...he is trying a variety of measures...so far nothing is working satisfactory...
I have no advice for the groundhogs, but I have found both coffee grounds and crushed-up eggshells spread around the base of plants to be pretty effective at repelling slugs and snails in the past.
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