What's going on in your garden (2024)?

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The entire garden has been beautifully mown/cut, which is a fair achievement with a strimmer and considering half of the grass is on 45 degree slopes. The chile plants (finger chiles, scotch bonnet, thai and chiltepin) are looking GOOOOOD! so let's hope for a decent harvest before the ants/slugs/birds/butterflies/mantis/caterpillars get their nasty jaws into them.
Wifes planting out salad plants I've germinated. We or her I should say is picking peas while I pick raspberries
I froze about 100. Raspberry jam/jelly not far away.

He was actually face to face with an Eastern brown snake, possibly the 2nd deadliest in the world. Scary.
We live with those and tiger snakes in our locality. Plus red bellied black snakes. All you have to do is to be noisy in the garden, keep the grass cut short and remember to wear wellies or something they can't bite through.

Somewhere, but I can't currently find it, I have my smallest bantam taking on the largest eastern brown snake I've ever seen.

We've seen quite a few already this season, though it's been years since we had one in the garden. In fact it was Christmas day a few years back when I sent my husband out to the veg plot to pick some parsley for our lunch. He came back with what is probably the best excuse yet. He "couldn't pick parsley because it was being guarded by a broken (snake)". Needless to say when I went out to get it, it had gone! But we still played safe and watered the veg plot before one kept watch and the other (me) went in with a long handled hoe to lift the heavy leaves off the ground and generally disturb stuff to make sure it wasn't still around. It wasn't.
Finally got around to raking the leaves onto the veggie patch. The big maple on the other side of the fence really didn’t want to drop them this year (it’s been unseasonably warm, which is probably why).

That’s a wrap on the 2024 gardening season!
I decided rather than watch TV whilst my OH was in an 8-10PM meeting (and still is) with some awkward bugger in the UK, I would pick the ripening fruit as it was going dark because it's reasonably cool at 24°C and currently not raining (though I can hear thunder).

First run at the raspberries 300g. The tulameen raspberries are huge! Bigger than that egg I posted! 😆
Last run at the strawberries I suspect
A few red currents (I had to transplant the bush this winter and it needs time to settle in) and a few boysenberries that my chooks haven't found. Yes I know they're not yet fully ripe but if I leave them any longer they'll vanish...


It looks like my potatoes and raspberries are taking over the veg plot at the moment. At least they're are no weeds because there's no sunlight at ground level!
Been a hard freeze for every night sneaking up on a week now. Was 19°F this AM and hoping it'll kill the Lamiaceae trying to move in on my garlic...
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