A tight fitting t-shirt to wear over your cossie it reflects uv rays so when I am in the sea snorkelling the back of my neck, shoulders and back won't burn.
Jack Murphy, have any of y'all across the pond heard of it?...it has a flannel liner so i am thinking the raincoat will get washed too.
I wash near everything. And i don't buy dry clean only clothes at all. Maybe a brand new coat might not get washed cause it is outerwear but a used coat would. I but most my clothes are used so for sure they get a wash...this summer i have found a lovely london fog coat at the thrift and it will be washed before the cold season in upon us. Most recently i got a rain coat from the thrift, it apperently is some brand from ireland...Jack Murphy, have any of y'all across the pond heard of it?...it has a flannel liner so i am thinking the raincoat will get washed too.
As for new things, all kinds of manner of unpleasant things can have been on the surface of your stuff from the store. I used to work for a retail store and new stock would sometimes have mold or mildew on it from getting wet on the sea trip over.
I yes hotel mattresses ick me out. If i must stay at a hotel i bring a sleeping bag just like chef ramsey does in hotel hell. I've seen what his black light revealed on the mattresses, pillows and comforter so no i am not sleeping on that.
Would you buy a used mattress?
No I would not.
However, that brings us back to hotel room mattresses. I've stayed in some up market hotels but I've also stayed in dives. Does it ever cross your mind what that mattress has suffered prior to your occupancy?
I've never ever bought clothing from a "Thrift Store". They never fit my shape.
They are same clothes you find in the store and they have every brand, shape and size that is out there, they've just been preworn.
Maybe in the States but not here. I cannot find denims even in the new shops. I'm 1.92 m tall in a land full of midgets.