@morning glory - I wouldn't call you that, I'd just say, "To each their own."
For the record, I don't try on clothes. I know my size and I buy that size, take them home, wash them, and carry on. I've probably bought something too small or too large less than five times in my adult life.
I do think that's probably easier for a man than a woman, or at least for me, because my clothes come down to jeans (and I always buy the same brand and fit), shirts, and pullovers.
My wife...befuddles me. She can buy a packet of basic cotton underwear and get the wrong size. How does that even happen?
I watched a show once, several years ago, about hand-washing. One doctor said, "Look at your hands. If they're visibly dirty, wash them. Smell your hands. If they stink, wash them. Other than that, don't worry about it."
Second doctor said, "Wash your hands or at least use sanitizer after every public interaction. Shake hands...sanitize or wash. Touch a doorknob...sanitize or wash. Ride the subway...sanitize or wash."
Both were immunologists (or whatever they're called), both highly educated, yet they had polar opposite opinions. Just goes to show.
And yes...if you google "wash hands after reading book," you'll find that it is recommended to do so after visiting a library, etc. Do I do that? No, but I do wash my hands frequently throughout the day, so there's that.
Really, it's whatever makes people comfortable in their daily lives. I sleep in hotel beds. I eat in restaurants. I think we all know that both of those things are potentially as nasty as it gets.
Like I said, for me, it's less about germs and more about "knocking the dust off" an item. Although, you know there's that one person out there who works at the underpants factory who's rubbing all the dainties on their crotch before putting them in the bag!