Which 'new' things do you wash before using?

I love all the littles quirks and foibles people have, as long as they're essentially harmless. I wouldn't talk her out of it, I'd buy her a set of travel flatware! :)
We've never got our heads around it because she'll drink a glass of wine out of a restaurant glass, but not use their cutlery. Both go into get mouth, both can clearly be seen to be clean (or as she argues not). Ironically I can't stand the crockery at their place because their dishwasher leaves a layer on everything. It's particularly obvious on drinking glasses when you pour water into them. There's a layer of bubbles that remains around the outside of the glass. I hand rinse a glass before I use it and use the same one all day. I generally only drink water and really notice that last their dishwasher leaves. My husband notices it as well.
No foibles here, although the wife runs a cloth over cutlery if we have friends or guests over. I use a glass additive in the dish washer. My glasses are spotless.my late mum was very fussy about setting the table, all the condiments in a row.

We've never got our heads around it because she'll drink a glass of wine out of a restaurant glass, but not use their cutlery.
My mom won't touch a glass in a restaurant. She'll drink from it with a straw, but she won't touch it to move it or pick it up because she read somewhere (meaning the internet) that restaurant glasses are "dirtier than a toilet."

"But Mom, you're drinking the liquid that's in the glass!"

"That's why I'm using a straw."

Our recreation vehicle sleeps 12.
My nieces were visiting from Switzerland and brought friends.

We were camping in the desert the wife to join us later.
I had ordered high thread count long fiber sheets and pillow cases at the wife’s specific instructions.

I washed the sheets and would make the beds up.
Wifie told me “fold the sheets and let the girls make their own beds”.
I don’t mind I said.
Wife responded “otherwise the girls won’t trust that you really washed them.”

Anyway, girls that age all pile into one bed and sleep together like puppies.
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Think again! Cleaning is not top of any agenda I have in this house. I get the thing about dust and wood burning stoves but surely you don't wash dishes which you have already washed otherwise?
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-wi_jw_bn0

Wife insists dishes be washed before putting in the dishwasher. Especially new cookware and flatware.
When one of our kids was 7 they told mom they're contacting the Television show "My Strange Addiction" and reporting her.

In California USA, new childrens clothing and bedding has to be treated with a fire retardant.
We found the kids skin would turn a horrible purple if we didn't give their new clothes and bedding a few washes first.
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Wife insists dishes be washed before putting in the dishwasher. Especially new cookware and flatware.

I wouldn't even put dishes in the dishwasher (unless I'd used them to serve food) let alone wash them first. In fact I don't wash anything new that I can think of. If I worried about who had 'touched something' I'd never eat out in a restaurant. Or sleep in a hotel bed. Or use a public toilet. Come to think of it, I'd probably never leave the house!
For me, it's less about who touched it and more about the dust/dirt/grime it encounters during packaging, shipping, and sitting on a shop shelf.

Both our dishwasher and our clothes washer have a "quick wash" cycle and if I'm really in a hurry to use/wear something, that's what I'll use. Otherwise, whatever it is gets tossed in with our other stuff.
I think often people get food poisoning and think it's the flu. One can get food poisoning from residual food on utensils and dishes and pots and pans not just from what's being served.
We wash everything in the dishwashers super hot scrub cycle.
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I wouldn't even put dishes in the dishwasher (unless I'd used them to serve food) let alone wash them first. In fact I don't wash anything new that I can think of. If I worried about who had 'touched something' I'd never eat out in a restaurant. Or sleep in a hotel bed. Or use a public toilet. Come to think of it, I'd probably never leave the house!

When in a restaurant I always wipe the cutlery on the napkin-not sure if I am wiping germs on or off but it is something I have noticed myself doing-not even intentionally.
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