How is the corona virus affecting you?

3 Million doses total (which have been used for 2.8 million vaccinations currently), including Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazenaca and Jansen (a Dutch only vaccine). In april it's supposed to become 4 million. One reason our government is so slow, is that it's not been given the promised amount of vaccines by Astrazenaca and a few others and the manufacturers keep delaying.

So what you do in a day, we have done in 3 months.

Janssen is a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson (J&J). They are the same vaccine.

Media present a supposed delay of vaccine deliveries in Croatia too...this morning an article quoted a virologist stating they were content with number of medical doctors vaccinated, but not with the number of medical nurses vaccinated. Not sure if the reason was supply or unwillingness.

We are doing a non-public, no audience students' concert tonight. I added a funny quizz game for the kids afterwards. They will be getting some pencils etc as little gifts, to get their mind off of the Covid circumstances and bring in laughter.

There are two students who had to stay home, as thrre were Covid cases among their high school peers. We will phone call them and include them into the quizz, so they do not feel left out.
3 Million doses total (which have been used for 2.8 million vaccinations currently), including Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazenaca and Jansen (a Dutch only vaccine). In april it's supposed to become 4 million. One reason our government is so slow, is that it's not been given the promised amount of vaccines by Astrazenaca and a few others and the manufacturers keep delaying.

So what you do in a day, we have done in 3 months.
Hopefully the EU agencies will finally approve the Dutch Halix plant to start distributing vaccines, something it should have done a long time ago, that will certainly help

AstraZeneca asks for certification of Dutch vaccine plant

It should also be noted that as early as May last year the British Government invested £65M in both research and manufacturing facilities at Astra Zenica UK in Oxford and Wrexham.

Funding and manufacturing boost for UK vaccine programme | University of Oxford.

This explains why the UK operation has been so successful, the whole thing was primed and ready to go long before approvals were received, The speculative investment was a gamble, but the sums involved in ensuring the production facilities were ready is tiny compared to the ongoing costs of the pandemic. EU Politicians are quick to blame AZ, but the current situation only exists because of the lack of foresight and investment by European Governments over the previous 12 months.

That's my view anyway.
Hopefully the EU agencies will finally approve the Dutch Halix plant to start distributing vaccines, something it should have done a long time ago, that will certainly help

AstraZeneca asks for certification of Dutch vaccine plant

It should also be noted that as early as May last year the British Government invested £65M in both research and manufacturing facilities at Astra Zenica UK in Oxford and Wrexham.

Funding and manufacturing boost for UK vaccine programme | University of Oxford.

This explains why the UK operation has been so successful, the whole thing was primed and ready to go long before approvals were received, The speculative investment was a gamble, but the sums involved in ensuring the production facilities were ready is tiny compared to the ongoing costs of the pandemic. EU Politicians are quick to blame AZ, but the current situation only exists because of the lack of foresight and investment by European Governments over the previous 12 months.

That's my view anyway.

The AZ vaccine is not available in the US, yet -- probably not until May from what I hear. They just recently finished their US trials. The results were 79-percent efficacy. With Pfizer at 95-percent, and Moderna at 94, I'm glad I'm getting the Pfizer. But, the AZ vaccine is a lot less expensive than the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which makes it a good solution for poor nations in Africa and South America. Plus, 79-percent is way better than zero, which is what you get with no vaccine.

The AZ vaccine is not available in the US, yet -- probably not until May from what I hear. They just recently finished their US trials. The results were 79-percent efficacy. With Pfizer at 95-percent, and Moderna at 94, I'm glad I'm getting the Pfizer. But, the AZ vaccine is a lot less expensive than the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which makes it a good solution for poor nations in Africa and South America. Plus, 79-percent is way better than zero, which is what you get with no vaccine.

Some years the flu vaccine is only 50% effective, as I understand it the general wisdom is that 60% is good enough to have a major impact. As you say the AZ is better suited to distribution in poorer countries, but the J&J is best because it is just one dose.
To avoid people mingling during Easter, our government imposed a restriction that people can't move between counties (except for work and essential activities) from 8PM March 26 until April 5; on Tuesday, the restriction was changed to start on midnight of March 26, probably to surprise people who had plans to leave their home and travel to relatives' houses after work on March 26. Still, data shows that the % of Portuguese making long distance travels (>100kms) jumped from the usual 6,8% to 10% yesterday :(
Some years the flu vaccine is only 50% effective, as I understand it the general wisdom is that 60% is good enough to have a major impact. As you say the AZ is better suited to distribution in poorer countries, but the J&J is best because it is just one dose.

Yes, but if I can get 95-percent from the Pfizer shot, I'd rather have that (which is what I'm getting).

It's not costing me a penny -- my health insurance pays for "preventative" measures, like vaccines. Those without private coverage are covered by the government in one way or another. So the cost advantage of the AZ shot doesn't affect Americans. Like I said before, it is going to be a life saver for poorer nations.

As for the J&J vaccine, it is even less effective than the AZ shot -- 72-percent efficacy. I'll gladly take two shots a month apart for 95-percent efficacy. There again, the J&J shot will be another life saver for some parts of the world.

Looks like the million vaccine’s doses we were waiting for have arrived and with them the benefits too. I’ve just talked to my dad on the phone and he said that on April both he (84 yo tomorrow) and my mom (85 yo) will have their first jab. Hallelujah

Great! My mom (86) got her second shot yesterday, and my Dad (88) gets his today. When we get together next weekend, My dad, mom and sister will have had both of there shots, and I've had one of mine. I get my second on April 19.

Announced by Boris today that there is a deal with GSK to manufacture 60 million doses of the Novavax vaccine in the UK with first delivery from May onwards following approval.
The UK will certainly be exporting vaccine soon, we have over capacity - good news for all.
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