How to ruin a hot dog!!

Goddam this means I’m still confused 😂
Have myself and Jay Rayner been buying ones with skins then?
How would I know?
Aargh who knew frankfurters were complicated 😆

Look, Sandwich <puts arm around shoulder, gives a little half-hug>, it’s gonna be ok. It’s just a hot dog. Let’s not overthink it.

It’s some meat, shaped like a cigar, goes in a bun, or a roll, or even in a folded-over slice of white bread. That’s all. Just put some mustard on it and eat it. Don’t worry about it so much.

There, there…see, now wasn’t that good? At the end of the day, that’s all that really matters.

Ok, now I want you to have another large gin, then off to bed with you. We’ve had enough hot dog talk for one day, young lady!

Oh, just before you drift off…just remember…the internet says skinless hot dogs are plentiful in the UK as well…sweet dreams! 😈

Well how about the pink slime that is in some ground beef?
See, that’s why that hot dog (or is it foam insulation?) pic doesn’t bother me - I judge the final product. I don’t care how it got to me, and if you told me hot dogs were made of squid innards and avocado skins, I’d say, “Oh well…more mustard, please!” :laugh:
Well words travel, the original one beginning with gang appeared here in the 50’s which is also known as a banger.
Then there’s a banger as in the violent type of attack (that ones defo an American import).
Then there’s an old wrecked car that’s also a banger.
And of course the sausage.
So we have for types of banger 😂
There’s nothing Brits like more than messing with words to cause confusion and amusement 😆
There was a British TV show I used watch called Top Gear. It was a about cars but was hilariously funny and entertaining. One the hosts, Jeremy Clarkson, was a riot - what a sense of humor he had. And there was Monty Python. I understand what you are saying.
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See, that’s why that hot dog (or is it foam insulation?) pic doesn’t bother me - I judge the final product. I don’t care how it got to me, and if you told me hot dogs were made of squid innards and avocado skins, I’d say, “Oh well…more mustard, please!” :laugh:
I don't believe you.
Yes, that's what mom called them (I grew up in Florida) but here in northeast Ohio, it can mean sausages wrapped in pancakes, so...I dunno.

It's amazing how different things can be called by different names in different parts of the same country. Like in certain parts of Texas, all sodas (or pop) are called Cokes. So if you wanted an orange soda, you might ask for an Orange Coke and it's not going to have any Coke in it.

Sorry for going off-topic.
It's always pop to me. Soda sound weird and soda-pop sounds like it's the year 1643. It sounds so dated.
It's always pop to me. Soda sound weird and soda-pop sounds like it's the year 1643. It sounds so dated.
I understand what you are saying. It's my unfortunate experience of being the youngest of 6 children with my 5 siblings being scattered across the country and having cousins in different states as well, and me being uprooted from my Florida home to here in the Midwest. I've visited family regularly all over the US. The terminology varies and exists. I didn't make it up! But I don't think soda-pop existed until the 1800s...
I understand what you are saying. It's my unfortunate experience of being the youngest of 6 children with my 5 siblings being scattered across the country and having cousins in different states as well, and me being uprooted from my Florida home to here in the Midwest. I've visited family regularly all over the US. The terminology varies and exists. I didn't make it up! But I don't think soda-pop existed until the 1800s...
😂 I know, I was being facetious 😂
Most of the times when peppers and onions are on it, it has a sausage rather than a hot dog. I'd never seen those as additions to a hot dog before but I might like that.
I can't remember what kind of sausage/frank/wurst/banger it had in it, to be honest, but a little investigation says the Reds officially use Kahn's franks - so it must have been a frankfurter.
Still; anything with a sausage-like thing in the middle of a long roll, wth mustard and ketchup, is a hot dog to me. No curious etymology :D :D In London, in the 70s, you could find hot dog carts in the streets. They were probably British Bangers with English mustard and ketchup, but they had this odd onion/cabbage mix they'd dump on top. A sort of high-end bubble and squeak, or low end sauerkraut:o_o::D:D
See, that’s why that hot dog (or is it foam insulation?) pic doesn’t bother me - I judge the final product. I don’t care how it got to me, and if you told me hot dogs were made of squid innards and avocado skins, I’d say, “Oh well…more mustard, please!” :laugh:
I'm going to bring you a mystery cylindrical food item in a hot dog form and see how you respond...
I can't remember what kind of sausage/frank/wurst/banger it had in it, to be honest, but a little investigation says the Reds officially use Kahn's franks - so it must have been a frankfurter.
Still; anything with a sausage-like thing in the middle of a long roll, wth mustard and ketchup, is a hot dog to me. No curious etymology :D :D In London, in the 70s, you could find hot dog carts in the streets. They were probably British Bangers with English mustard and ketchup, but they had this odd onion/cabbage mix they'd dump on top. A sort of high-end bubble and squeak, or low end sauerkraut:o_o::D:D
I might like that!
I can't remember what kind of sausage/frank/wurst/banger it had in it, to be honest, but a little investigation says the Reds officially use Kahn's franks - so it must have been a frankfurter.
It quite possibly was a Big Red Smokey:


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