Plans for today (2019-2022)

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We do the same... Q1, one of Mom's accounts took a nose dive, fortunately, it matures (an IRA) the end of the year, thank gawd!

Yeah, don't get too worried. Think long term, even at her age. My mom's investments took a beating earlier this year, but they came back most of the way.

My ex-wife used to go into a panic every time the market took a hit. I had to calm her down. She wanted to sell off everything, which would have been a really stupid move. But, the market would recover, and she'd be glad we did it my way -- until the next dive, when she'd want to sell everything, again. :facepalm:

None. It's meant to be raining hard... with flood warnings and all sorts. We had 0.2mm of rain to midnight and 0.8mm since midnight (7:30am now). Go figure.

I've got a busy day tomorrow, so I'm going to get my head down this morning. If it still hasn't decided to rain come midday, I'll try to get the remaining lawn areas cut (that will need me to recharge the batteries on the new mower in between uses, I've already done 3 sessions) or try to start the old mower to carry on where the new mower left off.

If it isn't raining, I'll try to get some more weeding done in the veg plot. Hubby had said he wanted the grass that was growing in it to replace the grass he pulls up from the lawn. But he hasn't, and I can't now easily identify the leeks and garlic from the long grass... and so on, so it's going.

And I've got another bird watch survey to do. I'm trying to do them daily as this is bird watch week. I've identified a few species that are new to me.

Then our evening meal needs to be either dragged from the dark, cold recesses of the deep freeze or made.

And there is a monthly shopping list to be constructed along with the week's perishable to be purchased.

And I need to clean the new fridge freezer. It wasn't covered with a groundsheet when it was in the trailer so is covered in dead insects (thanks for that! ).

I think that's it for a day of 'nothing'.
I have plans for a light day today. I worked last night until 10:30PM, specifically to get some things done early. Except for a short meeting (one I shouldn’t even be invited to) and filing my timesheet (I’m salary, but still have to account for my time), I have no other work items to attend to today.

That, of course, means something’s going to blow up spectacularly at around 4:59PM. :laugh:

MrsT is getting a temporary crown on a tooth today, so tonight is a potato-cauliflower casserole (for the challenge), to go easy on her teeth.
I have plans for a light day today. I worked last night until 10:30PM, specifically to get some things done early. Except for a short meeting (one I shouldn’t even be invited to) and filing my timesheet (I’m salary, but still have to account for my time), I have no other work items to attend to today.

That, of course, means something’s going to blow up spectacularly at around 4:59PM. :laugh:

MrsT is getting a temporary crown on a tooth today, so tonight is a potato-cauliflower casserole (for the challenge), to go easy on her teeth.
It is one of the rules of life that if something is going to blow up spectacularly at work, it always does so at 5PM on a Friday.
That, of course, means something’s going to blow up spectacularly at around 4:59PM. :laugh:
That's what happened to my husband last night at 5:01pm literally as he was walking through the door...

The darned thing wouldn't lock. Turns out it needs power to lock and there was none to the office because they have moved office and it was the last day so it had be disconnected at 5pm on the dot... He didn't get home until quite late after having to 'MacGyver' the door lock.

(Something to do with holding the magnetic catch in place using baking foil and some bluetac. That was after going to the hardware store only to find out what he had bought couldn't be used and after waiting for a locksmith to come out and so "sorry mate, I can't do anything! ".... ) the foil strips held in place with bluetac convinced the lock mechanism to stay in the closed position... hopefully they won't have to open the office in a rush when they give the keys back on Monday. Lol
Today's plans almost went without a hitch. We successfully did the monthly food shop ($660 or so spent)... a few seedlings were bought from the hardware/garden center and I picked up 2 very small but unusual orchids to grow on my windowsill.

The only hiccup was the highway flooded to the point of not being able to see to drive on it and you didn't want to drive due to aquaplaining and the constant thunder... it's back, that's the rain is back and due to get much worse which is handy because the liquid mud was just beginning to dry out to need a new name and our road was just becoming safe to drive again :rolleyes:

So this afternoon we watched 2 films as and when it wasn't raining too hard to get a satellite broadband signal! And this evening we'll watch another one.
We pretty much got what we wanted, funnily enough Boots didn't have any sunscreen so will get that from Sainsburys tomorrow.
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