Forum GOD!
Here, if we vote on the day, we go to the local high school, set up in some big assembly room, though I’ve never seen more than 10 people in there voting.
Previous years, we’ve voted at the fire station.
Ever since they allowed early voting here, which we almost always take advantage of, we’ve either had to go to the county courthouse, or to a little government substation to vote, in a room about half the size of my kitchen. It holds four little individual voting stands, and a small table to check in, and one vote scanner once you’re done filling out your paper ballot.
The school I went to is a decile 1 the lowest. Unfortunately the parents are lower earners. I will go just to see the school pool that was damaged in earthquake. I had a meeting with the principal and trustee head 5 years ago. I have a contact in a group that give out money..they wanted pool fenced and changing sheds. I helped fill the form in and got them $25k.
Didnt even get a thank you. Havnt helped since.