And I thought it was only the very much younger generations (like teens and early 20s without fully developed frontal lobes) that had a lot of self-centered and ungrateful butt-heads (see I cleaned up mine, too).
I’m operating under the assumption that they’re originally from Not The Midwest, as around these parts, here’s how it should go:
Hey, Tasty, I see you don’t have a generator…you need to store anything in our fridge or freezer?
Oh no, don’t worry about it, I don’t want to be any trouble, I’m sure you need all your space.
No, really, it’s fine. Really, we have plenty of room, just bag it up and bring it over, or I can send one of the boys over to help.
No, no, that’s real nice of you…are you sure you have a little room to spare? Are you sure?
Yeah, sure, we have room, as long as it’s not a side of beef, haha, just bring it on over!
Well…if you’re really sure, maybe I can put a few things in there…
At this point, I jam in the entire contents of my fridge and freezer, they say it’s fine, and as soon as I’m out of earshot:
Geez-louise, I didn’t mean for him to bring
everything over, nothing I can do about it now. That’s what neighbors are for…let’s go see if Jim can fit in some of the stuff we had to take out for Tasty’s stuff…
See, now
that’s how it’s supposed to work!