Plans for today (2024)

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Planning Sunday lunch for the hoard.
Probably chicken pie as I have a lot of chicken I stripped from the chicken salad the other day. Not sure of the topping, maybe mash, maybe a sliced cheesy croissant crouton topping, maybe a horseradish cobbler? Defo plenty of roast potatoes.
I have some prawns and gluten free puff pastry, am considering attempting some vol-au-vents but not sure if I’m in the mood for more failed puff pastry 😮 😂
I listened to the grand prix this morning via internet radio.
Yeah Max :)
Them made sauerkraut and tried my hand on making tortilla's from corn flour (non masa harina).
Now having a G & T.
Got a bottle of "standard" and a class up. I can smell a difference, now to find out if I can taste it
Plans are spreading out to somewhere between late and later.
Sunday ‘lunch’ will hopefully be on the table by 14.30 but theres no guarantees because I seem to be on a huge go slow!

Nevermind I’ve engaged the use of the hostess trolley. So the chicken pies (mash topped) and gravy are made and keeping hot in there while the roast potatoes start to crisp.
Time to stop stalling because the Yorkshire puddings, pigs in blankets and the whole roast cauliflower isnt going to make itself and everyones quite hungry, TTFN!
No, just riding in the arena.

I did do a lot of lunging when I was recovering from the broken bones I had (ankle in 2022, hand in 2023). Interestingly, I am still rehabbing the hand - I still don’t have full range of motion in my ring finger on that hand, and the pinky’s a bit stiff too.

Same brand, but one on the left is more expensive.
I normally but Gordon's, but checking these out this time.
I've actually gone to drinking my home brewed beer, so experiment postponed :)
No, just riding in the arena.

I did do a lot of lunging when I was recovering from the broken bones I had (ankle in 2022, hand in 2023). Interestingly, I am still rehabbing the hand - I still don’t have full range of motion in my ring finger on that hand, and the pinky’s a bit stiff too.
I just always found it helpful when a horse gets stiff going in one direction, helps them learn to change their lead legs better. Sorry your hand is still not cooperating, cold weather doesn't help with that kind of stuff either. When I was a massage therapist I used to treat hand and wrist injuries on a regular basis, along with other rehabilitative massage. Do you know anyone in your area who does that kind of stuff? Can be quite helpful in getting range of motion back if the MT knows what they are doing.
I'm finally off work today and I slept in until nearly noon! Oh it was heavenly. Well I woke up around 11 but I just laid in bed in a vegetative state for 30 minutes and then chatted with my nephew's wife a bit about the Thanksgiving (this Thursday) menu. They are hosting and there will be 11 of us. I am bringing cheesy garlic mashed potatoes, sourdough rolls, pecan pie, and brownies (brownies for the kids).

Today I am going to get some light housework done and make pizza dough. I might make it to Aldi's later on. It's frigid outside and is going to be cold all week so I am dreading going anywhere, plus the stores will be busy all week with people getting groceries for the holiday.

Edit: I just rechecked the weather and it looks like it isn't going to get really cold until Friday, yay! My DH had told me last night it was going to be in the low 30s (F) highs for the day this week but actually Monday is only 52. I can deal with that.
I dug up the kitchen garden today - was out there at 7.30am.
Then I removed the dead alcantarea imperialis. Weighed a ton:
Alcantarea Imperialis 210324.jpg

Then I wondered why I was hungry, but it was because I hadn't had breakfast.
Said to the wife :
"Why don't we go to Le Gourmet (it's like a mini food mall) and have some lunch? "
Just as she was stuffing her face with a panini. We're still going, but later on.
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