Plans for today (2024)

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I'd be amazed if I could find a PCP that can pronounce my last name.

Very first appointment with my doc - backstory, I’d been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes three years previously in Minnesota:

Doc: Tell me how you got diagnosed with Type 2?”

Me: Well, it was 2001, I was eating at McDonald’s a lot because my wife wanted those Beanie-

Doc: Get to the point.

Me: Um…and I was peeing a lot so I went to the doc and he gave me a glucose test, where you drink that orange stuff, and-

Doc: Well, you don’t have Type 2, you’re just fat and lazy.
Does that include the rule that decs must be down within 12 days of Christmas Day?
Haha, no. Most of those churches (I was raised in one) don’t celebrate Christmas with decorations like that, or at all, so there’re no decorations to take down.

But these days, I think most people leave their stuff up through New Year’s Day, then take it all down that weekend.

We leave a smaller decorated tree up all year in the bar area, as well as the lights, and we leave the main tree up all year in the living room and decorate it for different holidays throughout the year.
Haha, no. Most of those churches (I was raised in one) don’t celebrate Christmas with decorations like that, or at all, so there’re no decorations to take down.

But these days, I think most people leave their stuff up through New Year’s Day, then take it all down that weekend.

We leave a smaller decorated tree up all year in the bar area, as well as the lights, and we leave the main tree up all year in the living room and decorate it for different holidays throughout the year.
I told Mr SSOAP you frequently have your man card questioned, in my view unjustly, then I told him about your Easter Tree.
Yep lost him at that point 😆
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I sit here smugly experiencing our fifth power cut since the solar n tesla battery packs were installed in September, so no interruption to service for us while everyone else suffers mwahahahaaa.

Although it better come back on soon, it’s not been sunny round here recently and the batteries aren’t exactly full! 😂
I sit here smugly experiencing our fifth power cut since the solar n tesla battery packs were installed in September, so no interruption to service for us while everyone else suffers mwahahahaaa.

Although it better come back on soon, it’s not been sunny round here recently and the batteries aren’t exactly full! 😂
I know the feeling :)
I get that as well when everyone complains about power cuts, I just look at my solar panels and think: it was worth the expense!
I want to know!
Two of my niblings occasionally discuss sex with me; one’s gay and one’s straight.

The former, he’s rather filthy-minded like I am, so his discussions naturally include some entertainingly graphic descriptions, while the other, a university prof, her chats with me are no less entertaining, but very, very clinical.
Does that include the rule that decs must be down within 12 days of Christmas Day?

I live in the buckle of the Bible Belt. There are all kinds of rules. That's why I am always amazed how so many forum members here use the term "xmas." That could get you flogged in the town square here. And don't ever say, "Happy Holidays." That makes you on the wrong side of THE WAR ON CHISTMAS!!!


See, now I feel like I’m talking to my niece, and not my nephew! :laugh:
I can do both TR. That’s why I was always requested for patient education with the the hopeless, unable to be reached cases, you just translated it into common language, it made them laugh, their guard dropped and boom the message lands. I’d be lying if I said I didn‘t enjoy it 😆
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