Forum GOD!
I am going with the honey butter. Thanks for that article, BTW, that's just what I needed to make my decision. I was just getting to the part about the honey butter and this is exactly what I am looking for:If your rolls need to be a bit sweeter the sugar glaze is the direction I'd go. I wouldn't use table sugar. I think that would be to intently sweet and it would alter the texture on the top of the roll. Have any honey? Honey is sweeter than sugar but after browning less so as two different component sugars are breaking down. Honey butter, hmm. If you're saying butter but actually have margarine careful of the water content. Some margarines have so much water in them you'll mess your rolls up.![]()
Both butter and honey live on my kitchen counter, LOL. I use honey and cinnamon in my cup of hot tea every day. I am not a fan of margarine in general although if I am mass baking banana bread I will use it for that. I'd never put it on a piece of toast or bread, though. Butter is better, baby!