Show me your breakfast (2024)

Given all that has been happening at our house, I'm always glad to have things in the deep freeze that I can pull out at a moments notice ... no fuss no muss ... animals fed :laugh:


Bran-Cranberry-Pecan Muffins with SOME butter.
All washed down with a glass of OJ (not pictured).
Given all that has been happening at our house, I'm always glad to have things in the deep freeze that I can pull out at a moments notice ... no fuss no muss ... animals fed :laugh:

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Bran-Cranberry-Pecan Muffins with SOME butter.
All washed down with a glass of OJ (not pictured).
Can you post your recipe, please?

That’s scrambledy eggs with tomato, green onion, and farmer’s cheese mixed in, some of my homemade oatmeal bread, and some delightful maple-flavored smoked breakfast sausage.

I’ve been working on my eggs so I can apply to be Morning Glory ’s sous chef…am I at least getting them closer to your standard, Chef? :wink:
Craig gets an allowance each month through his Medicare plan. It's a use it or lose it type thing, doesn't roll over. So, I try to use at least part of it on pantry items each month. We were out of oatmeal so I ordered that, plus a few other things. Holy moly, it's huge. We'll never get that used up before it goes stale since we only use it for meatloaf and occasionally oatmeal cookies. So, I decided to make overnight oatmeal since I had never tried it before.

Peanut butter and banana overnight oatmeal.

What’d you think? I’ve made overnight oatmeal before, but I don’t like it, which is saying something, because I generally love oatmeal.

Same as Tasty's question. How did it go?
I tried chia overnight, it wasn't quite my cup of tea.
Don't recall oat overnight...might give it a go again...

It was decent. I've never had cooked oatmeal either so can't compare. I'll make some tweaks next time to adjust to my taste, more honey and/or brown sugar, maybe some mini chocolate chips or cocoa nibs.

The recipe I used also called for chia seeds, 2 tsp, which supposedly form a gelatinous texture, but I didn't use them so it was a bit milky. So, I'll either use the chia seeds or cut down a bit on the milk next time.

Oh, I also used the whole cup of yogurt, individual serving size, 5 and something ounces. Didn't measure, just dumped it in.

Didn't use the cinnamon either because it's not 1 of my favorite spices and I didn't think it would go well with PB and bananas.

Might try a pecan pie flavor profile, Reese's, or an oatmeal cookie profile next time. Even saw an idea for a cherry pie profile using frozen cherries when I was looking at recipes.

The recipe made 2 servings for me. There was about an inch of oatmeal left and I was really pushing eating as much as i did.

Our Favorite Overnight Oats Recipe Will Simplify Your Mornings
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