Show me your breakfast (2024)

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Sour dough baguette with cream cheese & green herbs and lettuce
La place broodje kruidenkaas.jpg
Emergency syrup at the ready!


Both MrsT and I had to laugh. The diner is one long, rectangular room, with three long rows of tables running the length of the room. Down the middle, some tables were pushed together to allow for larger groups of people.

As is the norm here, one of the larger seating areas was occupied by several older men. Down the other end, the other large seating area was filled with older women visiting and waiting to eat.

We watched as, time and again, an older couple would walk in…and the fellow would peel off and go sit with the men, and the woman would step on down and sit with the other women. :laugh:
Sounds Amish.
Just seems rural and old-school to me.
That always happened at church eating functions when I was a kid as well. Boy scout family meetings when Craig was involved in that as an assistant leader too.
I remember the same, growing up in a small southern town and it was a thing over in Texas where my parents' families lived.
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