The CookingBites recipe challenge: avocado

I remember you don't like them, but I'd figured you at least tasted one to come to that conclusion. How do you know that you don't like them if you've not eaten one?
There are plenty of foods I’ve never eaten that I don’t like. That’s just me. :laugh:

I don’t like the way the flesh looks, for the most part, and that’s enough for me right there to give it a miss. There’s also the texture, as Morning Glory mentions, not that I go around feeling avocado innards as a habit.

It’s just one of those things that, when I think back to the first person who ever picked one up and said, “Hmmmm, I wonder what this tastes like,” I assume they were probably trying it on a dare or were really hungry. 🤷🏻‍♂️
There are plenty of foods I’ve never eaten that I don’t like. That’s just me. :laugh:

I don’t like the way the flesh looks, for the most part, and that’s enough for me right there to give it a miss. There’s also the texture, as Morning Glory mentions, not that I go around feeling avocado innards as a habit.

It’s just one of those things that, when I think back to the first person who ever picked one up and said, “Hmmmm, I wonder what this tastes like,” I assume they were probably trying it on a dare or were really hungry. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I am going to guess the latter. I am sure they saw birds or some other animals eating it first and assumed it was safe before doing so.
I don’t like the way the flesh looks, for the most part, and that’s enough for me right there to give it a miss. There’s also the texture,
You sound just like my nephew, who will look at a dish and say:
"I don't think I'm going to like this"
The only way to know is to taste.
Even I taste foods with huge lumps of meat in them :hyper: :laugh:
If the recipe contest was for octopus, would you cook it?
No, any seafood like that, I wouldn’t mess with.

There are a few other things I’m sure would cause me to sit out - I recall looking through old challenges a while ago, ones from when I’d first joined, and there were a few I’d skipped.
You sound just like my nephew, who will look at a dish and say:
"I don't think I'm going to like this"
The only way to know is to taste.
Even I taste foods with huge lumps of meat in them :hyper: :laugh:
See, when it comes to something new, I have to have a reason to think I might like it before I’ll risk eating something I won’t like. I’m not willing to chance eating something I potentially won’t like, because it’ll ruin me for the rest of the day. I’d have a hard time getting over or past it.
As I mentioned in another post, Venezuela has 7 - 8 varieties of avocado, and not one of them is Haas, which personally, I consider below par.
The best avocado here is called Catalina. Pear-shaped, with an elongated neck, the flesh is creamy and sweet. There are others which are round, like the Carupano avocado; a slightly different flavour.
Avocado Carupanero (2).JPG

Then there are some varieties which are purple.
Once, on a trip to a seaside village called Choroní, we found some small avocadoes, about the size of a tennis ball. Something like 5 for $1. Once they'd ripened, they had to be eaten immediately. The flesh was thin, only about 1/2", but the flavour was cream and hazelnuts.
If you just want to see some of the varieties we've got here, take a look at Venezuelan Avocados
No, your impression was correct. Many people, especially of younger generations, love avocados and I know my daughters all love avocado spread on toast. They like guacamole with tortilla chips but I suppose they would eat it on toast, too.
I like the Chili’s guacamole with the grilled corn in it. Then I mix it with the salsa and eat with chips.
Does anyone use one of these things?



First, you cut open the avocado and separate the halves, then you push those three slightly dull blades into the pit and give it a twist to remove that.

Then, you can drag the slicing end through the flesh, and it pops right out, in nice little slices.

I bought that for MrsT, after she decided to start eating avocados (I think they’re low WW points?), and there was no way I was going to cut them up, and she loves it, says it works very well.
That is quite all right, but it did catch me on surprise, possibly I was under the wrong impression that avocado toast and avocado in salads is a very popular combination in the Us.
I have some trouble finding a good avocado. I tend to pick underripe or off avocados...
School restarts on Sep 9th and with all going on, I have no idea if I can have a go for the challenge...although I'd love to.

My daughter loves guacamole on toast, and does it really well herself.

As JAS_OH1 wrote, your impression was correct. But, avocado on toast is generally not guacamole, just ripe avocado mashed with maybe salt and pepper, sometimes a bit of lime juice, and spread on toast. I like to top mine with Dukkah.

Lots of salads have chopped avocado in them, a quite popular one is a Cobb salad.

I prefer the knobby dark green, Hass variety, to most smooth skinned avocados. There are a couple of the smooth skinned varieties I like, but they aren't commercially grown unfortunately.

You want to pick an avocado that has a little give when you lightly press. Leave it on the counter for a day or 2 until there is a little more give, then put it in the refrigerator if you aren't using it that day. It will still continue to ripen in the refrigerator, but much slower.

I've seen avocado mousse as a dessert. Think I have a recipe for it somewhere. I've also had avocado fries, sliced, breaded and fried, but they were a one and done for me. Cooked avocado was not something I enjoyed.
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Does anyone use one of these things?

View attachment 117686

View attachment 117687
First, you cut open the avocado and separate the halves, then you push those three slightly dull blades into the pit and give it a twist to remove that.

Then, you can drag the slicing end through the flesh, and it pops right out, in nice little slices.

I bought that for MrsT, after she decided to start eating avocados (I think they’re low WW points?), and there was no way I was going to cut them up, and she loves it, says it works very well.
No, I cut mine in half and use the knife to remove the pit and scoop out the flesh with a spoon.
Does anyone use one of these things?

View attachment 117686

View attachment 117687
First, you cut open the avocado and separate the halves, then you push those three slightly dull blades into the pit and give it a twist to remove that.

Then, you can drag the slicing end through the flesh, and it pops right out, in nice little slices.

I bought that for MrsT, after she decided to start eating avocados (I think they’re low WW points?), and there was no way I was going to cut them up, and she loves it, says it works very well.

No, I just take the knife i used to slice around the pit, cut slices or cubes, than take a large spoon and scoop them out of the skin.

Oh, let's NOT have any members suffer avocado hand in this challenge!

AKA a sliced open palm of hand because you missed when using the knife to get the pit out.
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