The CookingBites recipe challenge: garlic

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Chicken shoarma with garlic sauce
Sort of recipe: Shoarma with garlic sauce

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Be careful what you ask for…

Recipe - Vampire Killer Martini

Here’s how this worked out:

“Here, try this, it’s a garlic martini, and I’m not drinking it.”
“Why do I have to drink it?”
“Because I think it stinks and I’m not chancing it.”
“But I don’t want to drink it.”
“Well, I’m not drinking it, so it you don’t, I’ll have to throw it out and waste it.”
“Geez, give it here…god, that’s nasty.”
“Try another sip, sometimes you just have to get used to it, like me.”
“I guess if you really liked garlic, this would be…okay.”
“Ok, good enough, thanks. Hand it here.”
“Wait, I want the beet.”
<I poured remainder down the sink - 9 seconds later>
“Actually, where is that? It’s not that bad once it settles in.”
“I poured it out.”

So there you have it.
I might be in to try, but first I'd like to experience the mustard/cream ice cream...does it use fresh lavender or boiled or?( not for the garlic challenge, in general)
Fresh lavender boiled in milk with fresh smashed garlic cloves, cinnamon stick and a vanilla bean, strained after cooling. Ice cream also has roasted garlic in it.
Simple one from me, good for outside cooking season:

Recipe - Garlic-Shallot-Rosemary Wet Paste Marinade

Sorry, no pics, but it makes a lovely, soft green paste.

I used this on the steaks I grilled out this past weekend, and it’s quite good (and quite garlicky). MrsT didn’t know I’d used a marinade, and she commented positively on the taste and texture of the steak.
I’ve got one more left, trying to decide between two mains - one is chicken, one is pork.

If you know me through my posts here, you already know which way I’m leaning…
Simple one from me, good for outside cooking season:

Recipe - Garlic-Shallot-Rosemary Wet Paste Marinade

Sorry, no pics, but it makes a lovely, soft green paste.

I used this on the steaks I grilled out this past weekend, and it’s quite good (and quite garlicky). MrsT didn’t know I’d used a marinade, and she commented positively on the taste and texture of the steak.
You know how some words can jump out of a sentence or paragraph and hit your brain before you've actually read it?

I just read Rosemary West and thought gracious that's incredibly bad taste, I'm a bit surprised at TR, hmm well maybe it was something that was joked about over the pond.. ah no right I see wet hahahahaha sorry TR 😆
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