The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I hurt my finger yesterday evening and had to remove my engagement and wedding rings due to bruising and swelling, out first aid guy taped it to my other finger to keep it steady but it still feels sore :blackeye:
The world ends today.
It's going to be very hot.
The fire risk is ' very high ' which is basically level 3 out of 6. I evacuate at level 5. bags packed on level 4.
I get a respite from the heat over the weekend with Sunday being the best and temperatures only getting up to 31C tomorrow (Saturday)
Today is Friday 13th. I'm not superstitious but with the way my week has gone in left wondering what else can happen...
One of my chickens is showing all the signs of getting broody. I don't want that. please no.....
I hurt my finger yesterday evening and had to remove my engagement and wedding rings due to bruising and swelling, out first aid guy taped it to my other finger to keep it steady but it still feels sore :blackeye:
Have you tried taking the tape off? bending it is the best way of dealing with inflammation. get the lymphatic system going again by increasing movement, massaging it and bending it gently. it will help in the long run and I've often found fingers pretty resilient. just a shame lungs are not the same.
Have you tried taking the tape off? bending it is the best way of dealing with inflammation. get the lymphatic system going again by increasing movement, massaging it and bending it gently. it will help in the long run and I've often found fingers pretty resilient. just a shame lungs are not the same.

I will take the tape off before I go home so I can get my gloves on! I won't tape it again today it was just a precautionary measure whilst I am at work.
Darn it. i can feel my lower left lung bubbling away when I breath. I know what that means. it means cheesy infection and I can't get to a doctor until Thursday next week... ahhhhh.

I will take the tape off before I go home so I can get my gloves on! I won't tape it again today it was just a precautionary measure whilst I am at work.
Good. I know I don't go to a&e when I'm meant to. it usually seems a waste to me as well. I try to leave things for a day or so to see if they style of their own accord. usually they do.

my lungs however ate proving me wrong yet again though. the lower ribs on the left side have been very painful recently yet again. I rebroke then just before Christmas but thought they were healing. last week they got painful yet again after my trip to Sydney. nebulising doesn't always keep my lungs clear of infection and broken ribs are always going to be a challenge despite it being summer here. i had thought I had managed it but... Still I have suitable antibiotics in the fridge so I'll start on those and if the pain and bubbling clear in a couple of days I'll know exactly what the problem is... my doctor is sadly part time and I suspect would also want another X-ray. my hubby had spent too much time off work this week and his boss is around. Plus next week he is in Sydney and it will be Wednesday evening before he's gone. So Thursday before I can see her (no car, no way of getting to see her. No house calls... I'm not rural enough!). I'll take the ABs I was given in the UK just in case of times like this and get my Dr here to replace them when I see her a week on Monday as it is.
The world ends today.
It's going to be very hot.
The fire risk is ' very high ' which is basically level 3 out of 6. I evacuate at level 5. bags packed on level 4.
I get a respite from the heat over the weekend with Sunday being the best and temperatures only getting up to 31C tomorrow (Saturday)
Today is Friday 13th. I'm not superstitious but with the way my week has gone in left wondering what else can happen...
One of my chickens is showing all the signs of getting broody. I don't want that. please no.....
What happens to the chickens if you have to evacuate?
Darn it. i can feel my lower left lung bubbling away when I breath. I know what that means. it means cheesy infection and I can't get to a doctor until Thursday next week... ahhhhh.

Good. I know I don't go to a&e when I'm meant to. it usually seems a waste to me as well. I try to leave things for a day or so to see if they style of their own accord. usually they do.

my lungs however ate proving me wrong yet again though. the lower ribs on the left side have been very painful recently yet again. I rebroke then just before Christmas but thought they were healing. last week they got painful yet again after my trip to Sydney. nebulising doesn't always keep my lungs clear of infection and broken ribs are always going to be a challenge despite it being summer here. i had thought I had managed it but... Still I have suitable antibiotics in the fridge so I'll start on those and if the pain and bubbling clear in a couple of days I'll know exactly what the problem is... my doctor is sadly part time and I suspect would also want another X-ray. my hubby had spent too much time off work this week and his boss is around. Plus next week he is in Sydney and it will be Wednesday evening before he's gone. So Thursday before I can see her (no car, no way of getting to see her. No house calls... I'm not rural enough!). I'll take the ABs I was given in the UK just in case of times like this and get my Dr here to replace them when I see her a week on Monday as it is.
Sorry to hear your ribs are still giving problems. As you know I broke mine (twice!) recently and its only in the last week I haven't felt breathless. I cleaned the bathroom today :)eek: @morning glory cleaning!). Everytime a bent over to clean something I got short of breath. Soon as I stood up straight I was OK - so I have to assume its still the ribs. Its 6 weeks since the last break. I guess it can take a long time for them to heal. :(

Hope you chest infection improves. That sort of thing can be so persistent.
Darn it. i can feel my lower left lung bubbling away when I breath. I know what that means. it means cheesy infection and I can't get to a doctor until Thursday next week... ahhhhh.

Good. I know I don't go to a&e when I'm meant to. it usually seems a waste to me as well. I try to leave things for a day or so to see if they style of their own accord. usually they do.

my lungs however ate proving me wrong yet again though. the lower ribs on the left side have been very painful recently yet again. I rebroke then just before Christmas but thought they were healing. last week they got painful yet again after my trip to Sydney. nebulising doesn't always keep my lungs clear of infection and broken ribs are always going to be a challenge despite it being summer here. i had thought I had managed it but... Still I have suitable antibiotics in the fridge so I'll start on those and if the pain and bubbling clear in a couple of days I'll know exactly what the problem is... my doctor is sadly part time and I suspect would also want another X-ray. my hubby had spent too much time off work this week and his boss is around. Plus next week he is in Sydney and it will be Wednesday evening before he's gone. So Thursday before I can see her (no car, no way of getting to see her. No house calls... I'm not rural enough!). I'll take the ABs I was given in the UK just in case of times like this and get my Dr here to replace them when I see her a week on Monday as it is.
Makes you see what we take for granted up here.
Darn it. i can feel my lower left lung bubbling away when I breath. I know what that means. it means cheesy infection and I can't get to a doctor until Thursday next week... ahhhhh.

Good. I know I don't go to a&e when I'm meant to. it usually seems a waste to me as well. I try to leave things for a day or so to see if they style of their own accord. usually they do.

my lungs however ate proving me wrong yet again though. the lower ribs on the left side have been very painful recently yet again. I rebroke then just before Christmas but thought they were healing. last week they got painful yet again after my trip to Sydney. nebulising doesn't always keep my lungs clear of infection and broken ribs are always going to be a challenge despite it being summer here. i had thought I had managed it but... Still I have suitable antibiotics in the fridge so I'll start on those and if the pain and bubbling clear in a couple of days I'll know exactly what the problem is... my doctor is sadly part time and I suspect would also want another X-ray. my hubby had spent too much time off work this week and his boss is around. Plus next week he is in Sydney and it will be Wednesday evening before he's gone. So Thursday before I can see her (no car, no way of getting to see her. No house calls... I'm not rural enough!). I'll take the ABs I was given in the UK just in case of times like this and get my Dr here to replace them when I see her a week on Monday as it is.

Hope that the AB's work.

You have been missed and asked about on CC.
A whole inch [well almost] of the white stuff :ohmy: Am awaiting signs of polar bears and reading up on igloo building - anybody got any recipes for polar bear ?
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