The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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We have had snow here, which is lying on the hills but not in the town, though freeform ice-skating is available on the pavements. Being on the coast, we don't tend to get snow lying for too long, though this area has strange micro climates. Not so long ago, we were clear of any nasty stuff while a town five miles away had thick snow which lay frozen for several weeks.
I remember in the 80's we had snow in St. Fergus in May!
Perhaps the last question should be addressed to the polar bears of the Arctic, whose space is vanishing by the day. Or to the fish that are now inhabiting completely different parts of the ocean as the temperatures of the seas rise.
Where exactly is all this global warming anyway ?

I have recently been castigated for calling it "global warming". It is now called "climate change" apparently. I wish they'd make their minds up.
was looking forward to a night with a quilt on the bed. turns out my OH has read the wrong day for the 13C overnight temps (that's what is technically tomorrow night, but the way things are going...) and tonight is meant to be 17C. So far I have only been too hot. Just ditched the quilt after the 2nd attempt with it and gone back to a sheet and blanket.

Global warming is simply us leaving the last ice age which we actually have yet to do. Of course things are warming up, we just need to explain it. As for the polar bears, sadly their days, like many other extinct animals, are most likely numbered. It is just that we are going to see it happen and be able to do nothing about it and it will leave a lot of people feeling very helpless and give them a lesson in humility. Don't get me wrong, I am one of the worlds biggest recyclers and always have been. If it can be recycled any way possible, it is. I will refuse plastic carrier bags (still used in Australia quite widely) and ask if they have cardboard or paper ones or if needed a cardboard box if I have forgotten my recycled bags made of recycle milk cartons or parachute silk. I may be almost vegan, but I still use second hand wool, some of my woollen clothing (and yes it is needed here), is over 20 years old and I see no reason whatsoever in the point of disposing of it just because it does not (it other peoples words) suit a vegan lifestyle or diet because I am recycling it or still using it from the original purchase. It is only the way we farm animals and harm them, detract from their quality of life and general misuse them and force their products into unnatural parts of our diet (like using bone char to purify sugar, then dye it brown again :wacko:) that I really object to. Anyhow... its 2am in the morning here (well 2:30am) and I don't wish to cover that aspect of life right now.

I have no idea what temp it is, but it is not dropping off again and around midnight was still 17C. too warm for me and a quilt.
crap - shame I have held that conviction since it was first 'discovered' back in the ....'s
though personally I would prefer another ice age but I doubt I will be around for this one to end let alone restart.
Mind you everyone was saying the place would warm up when it was first discovered. It hasn't. We still get freak weather ups and downs it is just that the extremes are the same and the actual averages are more or less the same as a result. We have more world wide vision of what goes on now and with more people on the planet, there are simply more around in the wrong place to actually kill in anyone of these events (and yes I had family in the Asian tsunami how lived by a quirk of fate. They decided to have a day off and a lazy day, went into breakfast late that day rather than go snorkelling. Their friends went snorkelling and bodies not found for weeks. my family members survived because they had sat down to breakfast 10 mins earlier (and over 2 hours later than the previous day) and the restaurant was a concrete building. They were on an island whose highest point was less than 2m. They got lucky nothing more.)

I just think we are exacerbating the situation. though the hole in the ozone layer is more concerning and I am very glad of some of the changes it has brought about, but I see little signs of people reducing their dependence on oil and plastics, or reducing their use of petroleum, let alone their consumption of meat which also has a major impact of climate change. It is a climate change issue not a global warming issue - a name I hate because it is incorrect. We are changing the climate.
Perhaps the last question should be addressed to the polar bears of the Arctic, whose space is vanishing by the day. Or to the fish that are now inhabiting completely different parts of the ocean as the temperatures of the seas rise.
Fascinating - please explain on what factual evidence based in global weather patterns and global timescales you base you conclusion. We have data going back all of half a century at most on exact climate change - less than the tick of the clock in planetary time [ all due to satellite monitoring] all other data is at best tiny snapshots. Plus sorry to disappoint we are still coming out of a planetary ice age - it didn't just switch off a few thousand years ago and everything was happy and stable again and blaming Donald Trump won't change that. Not long ago we here in the UK had a few months of dry [ish] weather - the experts told us we would all have to learn to grow cacti and it would be perhaps five years before the water systems were full again - SURPRISE - it rained for the next 18 months and huge areas were flooded - the 'experts' were wrong. We have no useful data to go on - it's like condemning a restaurant after taking a tiny sip of the drinking water.
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