The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Final version included a printed control panel stuck to the top.

View attachment 5405

Da dah.... Drum roll please...

View attachment 5404

Impressive! Well done. Have a good time at the party.

Nah, it's the 'you're on your own, good luck's approach to life.

Just one (human) injury in the end, thankfully. A firefighter got burnt. But I would imagine quite a lot of livestock didn't survive.

Various places have opened up floors of hotels to the homeless and those simply evacuated. The main showground in Canberra is telling people to take their horses there.

The local showground is still hosting the volunteer army doing the repairs from the major fire to the north last month which was slightly smaller. I guess they have more work to do when they are allowed on scene. the tarmac road leading to our dirt road is closed, you had to stop and say where were going to to get through... It could have been much worse but for the torrential rain that fell at intervals today during various thunderstorms. Yet only 5mm of rain but that area is flat, on the flood plain, not that there is an water in the flood plain.

Glad to hear that you are ok and didn't have to evacuate. Hope you will be able to get back to normal soon.
Angkhor Wat is the largest religious monument in the world. I noticed these three girls enjoying the views.

3 girls.jpg
Do they have school field trips?

Not as far as I know. They have guided tours but they are supervised by very efficient sheep dogs. Although this tiny one appears to have gotten away.

Trouble with "school trips" is often you go whether you want to or not and an uninterested teen is a switched off teen. My interest in history has increased a 1000% since my school days, although the teaching of history as a never ending rota of dust dry dates kings queens battles etc etc didn't help.
the chat thread you mean is like having a live chat or something? where we can chat live? if thats the one its totally cool :)
the chat thread you mean is like having a live chat or something? where we can chat live? if thats the one its totally cool :)
This is the chat thread. There is no live chat area on here.
This thread is for anything you want that is not cooking related such as holidays and general chit chat like this.
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