The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Driving was a bit scary. I was glad to hear that my son got a lift today and didn't commute on his bike.
I have never seen so much debris from the trees on the road as there is today. There are local reports of trees down. I think we're lucky compared to some. It was very loud this morning and nice and calm now.
Last year just before Christmas a friend had her front door kicked in and her keys stolen, thankfully she wasn't burgled. My thought was that they were after keys to a car she doesn't have, turns out her neighbour parks their white BMW in front of her house so they obviously though it was hers. A horrible time for her but she can now laugh at the fact they lost out...
Was over at a friends house yesterday returning her bike to her after servicing it and getting it up and running for her.
When I dropped it off her husband was home and decided to argue with me that the brakes were the wrong way round! He doesn't ride, I've done a lot of riding.... He also tried arguing with me that the tyres were on the wrong way (directional tyres) because at the top the tyre direction is reversed (it's when the tread is on the ground that the arrow and thread direction is correct) before he managed to break the front brakes in front of me!
He then proceeded to argue with her in front of me about payment (I paid for her new tyres) because we had arranged for her to give me x many chickens that I'm raising on for another friend for a birthday present, arranged present, thinking firmly that 1 chick (only several weeks old) is worth 2 bike tyres. Fully adult pure bred birds are selling for the price of 3 birds for 2 tyres at the moment and chicks that age, of a common but nice breed, are about 10-12 birds per 2 tyres!

I think we were both glad when his knee started hurting and he stopped 'helping' us!
Was over at a friends house yesterday returning her bike to her after servicing it and getting it up and running for her.
When I dropped it off her husband was home and decided to argue with me that the brakes were the wrong way round! He doesn't ride, I've done a lot of riding.... He also tried arguing with me that the tyres were on the wrong way (directional tyres) because at the top the tyre direction is reversed (it's when the tread is on the ground that the arrow and thread direction is correct) before he managed to break the front brakes in front of me!
He then proceeded to argue with her in front of me about payment (I paid for her new tyres) because we had arranged for her to give me x many chickens that I'm raising on for another friend for a birthday present, arranged present, thinking firmly that 1 chick (only several weeks old) is worth 2 bike tyres. Fully adult pure bred birds are selling for the price of 3 birds for 2 tyres at the moment and chicks that age, of a common but nice breed, are about 10-12 birds per 2 tyres!

I think we were both glad when his knee started hurting and he stopped 'helping' us!
You'll be fixing the brake he broke, if you've not already done so, I take it?
Yesterday I went into our local M&S store for a bra fitting. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of a good fitting bra. I may have bought 4 :whistling:
They are the bane of my life... i've tried on every type and size in M&S and still never found one to fit - or if I did it was 'padded' which I absolutely hate as I have quite enough up there already, thank you! I haven't tried their bra fitting service as I thought it would be a waste of time, given that I'd tried on so many already.
They are the bane of my life... i've tried on every type and size in M&S and still never found one to fit - or if I did it was 'padded' which I absolutely hate as I have quite enough up there already, thank you! I haven't tried their bra fitting service as I thought it would be a waste of time, given that I'd tried on so many already.

There are so many I just could't work out which to buy, being measured and properly fitted opened my eyes as to what to look for. I have never liked underwired as they are very uncomfortable, some mould to the shape of your body, if you gain/lose weight they no longer fit! Emily was really good and gave me a lot of advice, cannot believe I have got to 46 but still need help with this but there you go.
There are so many I just could't work out which to buy, being measured and properly fitted opened my eyes as to what to look for. I have never liked underwired as they are very uncomfortable, some mould to the shape of your body, if you gain/lose weight they no longer fit! Emily was really good and gave me a lot of advice, cannot believe I have got to 46 but still need help with this but there you go.
I presume you mean 46 in age not 46 bust! :laugh: Sorry...
10 years ago this month, I had a week in Scotland where night time temperatures were -15C. Daytime rarely went above freezing. I was solo wild camping. It was amazing. It wasn't the last time I have had that, but that and a winter back in 95 or 96 jump out in my memory. That one was camping in the Lake District, -18C was recorded and temperatures like that were there for the entire Christmas week and into the New Year. It had snowed on Christmas Day as well to top off the most amazing Christmas holiday.
Not too sure why freezing temperatures in mid-winter would seem odd though ?
Well, Storm Doris was nasty. Have the Brits on here survived ok?
Nice of you to ask but - Again it's winter and we have a fairly average sort of storm [didn't really happen up here] and it hits the main news :eek: I think the news bulletins need to find something to do.
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