The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Ok, I am now home and have some time. So I shall catch you up.
We went on vacation last week. We stayed at Lake Tawakoni in Northeast Texas. Second morning we are there my cell phone rings. My mom had been sick to her stomach for about a week. They had to take her to the hospital. 6 hours later, I get a call that she will be going to the intensive care unit.
She spent 3 or 4 days there then another couple in a regular room.
She had sepsis and dehydration. Her kidneys were shutting down.
She is home now but very weak.
However, I have lost 20% of my pension due to the reduction in exchange rate and another 30% due to the British Government's refusal to pay cost of living increases on my pension even though I have paid into the system for almost 40 years.
I paid into a pension scheme for over 30 years with the promise that I would receive a pension when I reached the age of 65 - strangely all that has now been abandoned and the age is 67. I paid into an insurance scheme that gave me free spectacles and dental care but that seems to have disappeared also.
Had any of this been done by a private company the lawyers would have had a field day but as it's the government it's just hard luck. Exchange rates have been fluctuating sine mankind invented money - brexit is just a convenient excuse - the complete and utter shambles that the politicians [of ALL colours] found themselves in is evidence of that
Ok, I am now home and have some time. So I shall catch you up.
We went on vacation last week. We stayed at Lake Tawakoni in Northeast Texas. Second morning we are there my cell phone rings. My mom had been sick to her stomach for about a week. They had to take her to the hospital. 6 hours later, I get a call that she will be going to the intensive care unit.
She spent 3 or 4 days there then another couple in a regular room.
She had sepsis and dehydration. Her kidneys were shutting down.
She is home now but very weak.

Sorry to hear this. Does she have a carer or is it down to you?
I paid into a pension scheme for over 30 years with the promise that I would receive a pension when I reached the age of 65 - strangely all that has now been abandoned and the age is 67. I paid into an insurance scheme that gave me free spectacles and dental care but that seems to have disappeared also.
Had any of this been done by a private company the lawyers would have had a field day but as it's the government it's just hard luck. Exchange rates have been fluctuating sine mankind invented money - brexit is just a convenient excuse - the complete and utter shambles that the politicians [of ALL colours] found themselves in is evidence of that
What'll happen when Italy, Greece, Portugal & Sweden leave. Never mind the Swiss.
Sorry to hear this. Does she have a carer or is it down to you?
I live 500 miles or 804 km away. One neighbor is taking care of the cats. Another is taking care of the medical (nurse) and a third one is doing the grocery shopping. My dad is not in the best of health either.
Never nice.

Quarantine make it worse by drawing it out?
Problem I have now is that the quarantine period may have you be extended. That's a pain because the chicks would be better off mixing with my chicks who are younger, but much bigger but know their way around etc. And learning the flock. The adults they came with are out if quarantine and in the main flock now. This disease assuming it was this disease, will most likely have come with them, and the action signs of it can take months to show, hence why it is so 'fatal'. It can also linger around for years... It's almost hardly worth quaranting just for it but if there wasn't this sneezing bug (mild flu) going around the chicks, I would probably let them out into the flock.

The one I came home with needs 2 sets of antibiotics as it is...

Thank you.

Ok, I am now home and have some time. So I shall catch you up.
We went on vacation last week. We stayed at Lake Tawakoni in Northeast Texas. Second morning we are there my cell phone rings. My mom had been sick to her stomach for about a week. They had to take her to the hospital. 6 hours later, I get a call that she will be going to the intensive care unit.
She spent 3 or 4 days there then another couple in a regular room.
She had sepsis and dehydration. Her kidneys were shutting down.
She is home now but very weak.

I'm so sorry to hear this. :hug:
Avian Flu?

There was something similar up here in 2001, but overshadowed by the Foot & Mouth outbreak, newswise. "Hit" towards the end of the year.

A neighbour of a relative lost every turkey he he'd been raising. Given events of that year, no chances were being taken.
There is an upper respiratory infection going around not just my state bur quite a few others as well. I'm lucky. Mine is a very mild version probably brought in on he birds in quarantine that I was given a few weeks back in exchange for some bike maintenance I did for someone. I knew she had it in her flock, but a mild version and birds with no symptoms seemed an ok risk when many in my state (and other states) are reporting birds dropping dead from it. Hence setting up 2 quarantines. One for birds not showing any symptoms and one for those showing...

The adult birds were released into my main flock at 3 weeks having never shown symptoms. The chicks are staying put. They are sneezing. I don't know if it is the dust from the bedding or if they have this flu because I can't hear any chest infections, so I'm unsure. I've kept the quarantine going for now after the euthanasia of one of the chicks from something else entirely. Both conditions are transmitted by wild birds. And keeping 2 flocks going isn't that much of an issue tbh!
It is football fever here :mad: it is all they are talking about, fine they are all football fans but since 8am they have talked about little else, apparently there is a draw on or something and they are glued to their phones and droning on and on about who is playing who. I have no interest but apparently I am the one who needs to get a life :facepalm:
I phoned Radio Merseyside yesterday to enter their mystery prize competition.
The presenter answered and said, "Congratulations on being our first caller, all you need to do is answer the following question correctly, to win our Mystery Grand Star Prize"..
"That's Fantastic!" I called out in delight.
"Feel Confident?" The presenter asked, "It's a Maths Question."
"Well, I've got a degree in Mathematics from Leeds University," I proudly replied, "and I've taught maths to A level students for the last 20 years"
"Ok then, to win our grand prize of 2 tickets to a Liverpool game and to meet the players after the game, what is 2+2 ?"
"7", I replied.
I phoned Radio Merseyside yesterday to enter their mystery prize competition.
The presenter answered and said, "Congratulations on being our first caller, all you need to do is answer the following question correctly, to win our Mystery Grand Star Prize"..
"That's Fantastic!" I called out in delight.
"Feel Confident?" The presenter asked, "It's a Maths Question."
"Well, I've got a degree in Mathematics from Leeds University," I proudly replied, "and I've taught maths to A level students for the last 20 years"
"Ok then, to win our grand prize of 2 tickets to a Liverpool game and to meet the players after the game, what is 2+2 ?"
"7", I replied.

I phoned Radio Merseyside yesterday to enter their mystery prize competition.
The presenter answered and said, "Congratulations on being our first caller, all you need to do is answer the following question correctly, to win our Mystery Grand Star Prize"..
"That's Fantastic!" I called out in delight.
"Feel Confident?" The presenter asked, "It's a Maths Question."
"Well, I've got a degree in Mathematics from Leeds University," I proudly replied, "and I've taught maths to A level students for the last 20 years"
"Ok then, to win our grand prize of 2 tickets to a Liverpool game and to meet the players after the game, what is 2+2 ?"
"7", I replied.
Teaching standards have dropped a bit on Western Shores these days. Points now for putting your name on the exam paper, more if you get it correct.
I phoned Radio Merseyside yesterday to enter their mystery prize competition.
The presenter answered and said, "Congratulations on being our first caller, all you need to do is answer the following question correctly, to win our Mystery Grand Star Prize"..
"That's Fantastic!" I called out in delight.
"Feel Confident?" The presenter asked, "It's a Maths Question."
"Well, I've got a degree in Mathematics from Leeds University," I proudly replied, "and I've taught maths to A level students for the last 20 years"
"Ok then, to win our grand prize of 2 tickets to a Liverpool game and to meet the players after the game, what is 2+2 ?"
"7", I replied.
I don't get this...:scratchhead:
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