The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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"I" am super intelligent - why would I wish to have tickets to watch Liverpool play football?

I suppose that I could sell them on the black market in Birkenhead. Maybe get 10 bob.

Never did get the hang of football, but I do like a good game of rugby and this years 6 nations contained some cracking games.
I don't get football of either the US or rest of the world versions.

I wasn't brought up with sport in my life but my uncles and male cousins are all rugby fans even play so I suppose it is somewhere in my genetics.
I think as well it is also the nature of the fans, for football matches there is generally a high police presence, fans are segregated and at times there is trouble, refs and linesmen are verbally abused-crowd and players! Rugby is different, fans mingle before, during and after the match, low police turnout and rarely any trouble, refs and linesmen don't get abuse from the players-some 'fans' have been called out but generally speaking- and this isn't across the board-rugby is a more friendly sport.
Perhaps I've lived a charmed life but in a male dominated industry I can count the number of serious football fanatics on one hand - football is not the be all and end all some [especially the media] seem to think. Some of the lads would talk about odd games but that's about it. I could watch the odd goal but a whole game :sleep: - life is way too short, the old description fits - a bunch of obscenely over paid prima donnas in their underwear chasing a bag of wind - big deal
For the last few years, for mother's day, I have sent my mother scented narcissi from the Scilly Isles but she's had a lot recently due to being ill and in and out of hospital. So, this year I have just ordered her some scented freesias from Guernsey.
Perhaps I've lived a charmed life but in a male dominated industry I can count the number of serious football fanatics on one hand - football is not the be all and end all some [especially the media] seem to think. Some of the lads would talk about odd games but that's about it. I could watch the odd goal but a whole game :sleep: - life is way too short, the old description fits - a bunch of obscenely over paid prima donnas in their underwear chasing a bag of wind - big deal

I work in the same office as a guy who lives and breaths football, apps on his phone, endless tv channels and a sport channel on the radio in his car, first words when he comes in and last as he leaves. That is his life so it is easy to forget he has a wife and kids.
After over a year of nagging by my wife, I finally bit the bullet and ordered an aircon for the lounge yesterday.

It's been much cooler today (34 degC maximum).
I work in the same office as a guy who lives and breaths football, apps on his phone, endless tv channels and a sport channel on the radio in his car, first words when he comes in and last as he leaves. That is his life so it is easy to forget he has a wife and kids.

I'm the same with Formula 1 but that's only once a fortnight on average.

And the first race of 2017 is next weekend in Melbourne.
I have put some washing on the line for the first time this year, very windy out there but no threat of rain :okay:
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