The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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.....had those awful flood lights that are on motion detectors... the ones that shine at you and blind you at the same time,.....
I have found that there is more than sufficient light around to stand on a flat piece of ground and walk to a door, if people will only give their eyes a chance!

A lot of the gardens where we are are so small that motion detectors come on every time someone walks past. One local resident had their new car stripped, and the police think the thieves used the light from his security lights to see by! The street lights round our way are for safety reasons as it is too dangerous to walk around in the dark. I have no objection to them being on, just that they are so bright. I suffer from photophobia as well so the lights do not do my eyes any favours.

All of my alarms (5:30am, 1pm. 2pm., 5pm, 9:30pm) are medication alarms. ..... handset is defunct!

My alarms are set for 7 am, 10 am, 1 pm, 4 pm, 7 pm and 10 pm, except for Saturdays when there is a 6.30 am one for the extra medication. The mutt ignores the 6.30 am one and the 10 pm ones because they are just for me and he knows he won't get anything to eat at these times. If I miss the 7 am it is not too bad but, if I sleep through the 10 am one as well, then he jumps on me and bounces up and down and licks my face and barks in my ear. It's too much of a shock to my system and I get up PDQ to give him his (should be) 7 am breakfast, except that he wants his 10 am snack as well. Because I want breakfast too, I move my 10 am medication to 4 pm, otherwise if I take it at the proper time I can't have anything that I am likely to have for breakfast until 1 pm. If have to take any more meds I will need a computer to work out the times. And apart from all the tablets, I have to use my eye drops every 2-3 hours during the day and if I wake up or am awake at night.

I too have a defunct mobile phone. It's my spare phone and I've only just converted it from PAYG to pay monthly. Almost immediately I got a list of updates which I had missed. It is an Android phone and one of the updates has killed it stone dead. I can't even get it to go further than the initial start up screen. I looked on line and there are thousands of people with the same problem, yet Motorola will do nothing about repairing the phones without a payment, which is more than the phone is worth. I can't even access the online back up. Luckily any photos I took on there I copied on to my laptop and backed them up in MS OneDrive, so I haven't lost them. I am now using the SIM card in an even older Android phone.....
Why's the handset defunct?

I've two from there, Australia, relatives work, that work up here.
err, smashed screen and faulty system board.... blacks out when you make a call even after a reflash of the rom and the top half of the screen is not useable and I am not replacing it for a 4th time, not with a suspect system board.
(I broke the screen for the 3rd time and even after the first break the phone was acting up. it has had a broken rear glass since about the 4th week I had it on a 2 year contract, but I think somewhere along the lines the system board must have been damaged because despite rebuilding it from scratch many times, I had numerous little bugs like if I made a call the screen would go completely blank and I could not hang up unless I plugged the phone into the mains!
err, smashed screen and faulty system board.... blacks out when you make a call even after a reflash of the rom and the top half of the screen is not useable and I am not replacing it for a 4th time, not with a suspect system board.
Missed that bit.
I live literally yards from the intersection of 3 major roads and 2 main roads, complete with flyover, all of which can be jammed solid for most of the mornings and evenings, and a motorway about a mile away which is like a giant car park in the rush hours. All of these are a blaze of street lights, and our residential roads have those horrible LED street lights, so we don't see the sky let alone stars. It's almost like daylight.

It's no wonder I don't sleep - there are 2 LED street lights which shine directly into my bedroom and 3 others which are just yards away which do a pretty good job too at the front of the house, and the back of the house is nearly as bad. Because our garages are built in front of the houses and shield some of the light, I have taken to sleeping downstairs with the dog and the cats :D
Do you have thick, lined curtains in your bedroom?
:thumbsup: Clever - is that so they don't have to light it ??
You got it in one. The knobs are harder for a dog to turn:D I even took my greyhound down to the showroom with me when I chose my new hob and oven, just to make sure it was "him"-proof, and I've also now got a microwave that the dog and the cats can't open. Luckily the greyhound can't open my fridge either, in spite of the instructions left by his predecessor (claw marks in the door) :wink:
Thick and lined. I hadn't long bought them when the council decided to install the new lights. When I need to replace them, I shall get blackout curtains :D
Complain to the council. They are in the same position as a private householder when it comes to light contamination. The LED lights also have a slightly dodgy history.
Complain to the council. They are in the same position as a private householder when it comes to light contamination. The LED lights also have a slightly dodgy history.
I (and several neighbours, and people in other streets that have them) have complained to no avail. I think someone on the council must have a sick sense of humour seeing as nearly all the lights are outside of and at the same height as people's bedroom windows. The old street lights were never that tall.
I remember a "One Foot in the Grave" episode where a street light had fallen and crashed through their bedroom window. Stayed lit all night.
I (and several neighbours, and people in other streets that have them) have complained to no avail. I think someone on the council must have a sick sense of humour seeing as nearly all the lights are outside of and at the same height as people's bedroom windows. The old street lights were never that tall.
Environmental Protection Act 1990, Chapter 43, Part III, section 79, Subsection (1)(fb)
Statutory nuisances and inspections therefor.
Artificial light emitted from premises so as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance;

Same rule applies to them as you if you were to have an outside light that someone complained about.
Same rule applies to them as you if you were to have an outside light that someone complained about.
They don't care! This is the same council who demolished a building opposite me where a protected species of bat was nesting, and demolish listed buildings willy-nilly, and are now erecting an eyesore directly in front of a very popular early 15th century church and other buildings of the same age. A lot of us have complained about the lights and have all had the same reply, which is basically "tough". We have 3 MPs and several councillors in our area, some of who agree with us and all of whom seem to be powerless to help.
They don't care! This is the same council who demolished a building opposite me where a protected species of bat was nesting, and demolish listed buildings willy-nilly, and are now erecting an eyesore directly in front of a very popular early 15th century church and other buildings of the same age. A lot of us have complained about the lights and have all had the same reply, which is basically "tough". We have 3 MPs and several councillors in our area, some of who agree with us and all of whom seem to be powerless to help.
The MP's aren't as powerless. Clueless maybe. Mention recycling and arsenic, there's newer regulations came into force the back end of last year covering their use in residential areas due to the arsenic.
The MP's aren't as powerless. Clueless maybe. Mention recycling and arsenic, there's newer regulations came into force the back end of last year covering their use in residential areas due to the arsenic.
I'll have to look it up. I know we're not encouraged to use the new low wattage bulbs because of mercury, but hadn't heard about arsenic in the others. Thanks.
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