The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I remember seeing my first shooting star during the Perseids when I was a kid, and thought it was so cool.

I can't wait until they come again this summer. I hope to get my boy out camping and watch the show.
I remember seeing my first shooting star during the Perseids when I was a kid, and thought it was so cool.

I can't wait until they come again this summer. I hope to get my boy out camping and watch the show.
So you were impressed by the shooting star? I wonder if they are more spectacular, i.e. bigger/brighter in certain countries....
I'm sure they would be better in the absence of light pollution from cities.

But a meteor shower such as the Perseids or Leonids is worth a night out on a blanket, popcorn and sodas in hand, staring up at the night sky.

Do you know why a bullseye on a target is called that, and why it is colored red?
I'm sure they would be better in the absence of light pollution from cities.

But a meteor shower such as the Perseids or Leonids is worth a night out on a blanket, popcorn and sodas in hand, staring up at the night sky.

Do you know why a bullseye on a target is called that, and why it is colored red?
It is said to be a hard to hit spot but origin uncertain. A bloody eye?
The red giant star Aldebaran (65 light-years away), the brightest star in the constellation is known as Taurus’ Eye. . The orange-hued star is often described as fiery or bloodshot and glaring at Orion, which lies just to its southwest. Orion the hunter appears to be aiming at Taurus' eye, hence the center of a target is a bull's red eye.
I would think it quite normal, e.g. I don't look up often either at the night sky.

I remember the weather man telling us that a certain night would be good to watch for meteors. There I was, in my front porch, looking up and eating a bag of crisps (the equivalent of popcorn at a movie I guess!) It was to be the first time I saw a meteor and I was SO disappointed! Just a brief, small streak across the sky. For some stupid reason I expected it to have a star twinkling at the tail end of it!

I do love colourful sunsets though.

:laugh: I couldn't agree more! The stars are over-rated.
I couldn't agree more! The stars are over-rated.
can I remind you... this was my first attempt at photo-ing stars. I haven't tried again, though I have now located my tripod!




This is what I see within seconds of walking out of the door any night the sky is clear.

Plus if you want to see stars like it, then anywhere remote in Scotland or Wales and you will see something like this without too much difficulty. As for rural Scandinavia - well they are simply stunning there as well... Just don't pick the middle of summer to go star gazing there or northern Scotland. But if you like sunsets and sunrises then the far north of Scandinavia in the middle of summer is perfect for them... something we don't get here... long sunsets or sunrises, 15 minutes and its gone, if that here!
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Quick question.
There's a connection between the sky, "The battle of the Little Big Horn", and Frozen.
Any idea what?
Just to clarify - although I don't look up at the night sky, I am in awe of the universe! (My disappointing first experience of seeing a shooting star probably has a lot to do with being on the outerskirts of a city i.e. air pollution).

I find that, if I become preoccupied with a situation, I have only to look up at the night sky and I get instant perspective!
It's Songkhran here in 10 days time (Thai New Year). The Junta "government" has decided to crack down on the law that prohibits passengers to be carried in the back of a pickup. This is a picture of mine from a few years ago.


And that carries on for miles.
The Junta "government" has decided to crack down on the law that prohibits passengers to be carried in the back of a pickup.
And that is unusual ? Try carrying passengers in the UK in a pick up and see how far you get - ALL occupants inside and wearing seat belts back or front
And that is unusual ? Try carrying passengers in the UK in a pick up and see how far you get - ALL occupants inside and wearing seat belts back or front

The "law" has been on the statute for years, it's just that it has rarely been enforced. If the police even have the enthusiasm to try and enforce the law and arrest a couple of million pick-up drivers and their occupants during the new year holiday I would be flabbergasted. If anything, it will be a random Bht 200.00 fine for the driver who will then be allowed to carry on his/her way with a receipt that permits him/her to be exempt from further fines for the same offence for the subsequent 24 hours.
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