The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I should look into something like that. I'm going broke trying to heat my house. I've become my father in that I walk around my house all day turning the thermostats down, and turning off lights and TVs in empty rooms, growling through my teeth about not wasting energy.
Do you have a smart meter? You may be able to see how much you use on an hourly basis.
We have the opposite problem down here: keeping houses cool in the summer.
...that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous melatonin,
Or to take Ambien, against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep...

I paraphrased a bit there. :typing:
I just googled storage heaters. I could not find any in the US.
Everyone advertised was just an infrared heater.
Lol, umm, yes, I understand how meters work.

I'm not about to stand outside and count revolutions...
If you don't have cheap rate electricity at night, you probably won't be able to get them.
Electricity rates are set differently here.
One electric company here while back did a few nights and weekends promotion.
There are at least 4 different companies that send out electric bills. Even within the same company, what I pay and what my neighbor (or even previous resident in the same house) pay, may be way different.
Example base charge 4.95 + varying kWh rates (usually around 11 cents) or base rate 9.95+ .07 kWh and there are several other plans.
I think some states may have one price for everyone but I am not sure. I know one company in Missouri has different rates for summer and winter.
Just to briefly go back to the recent chat on stars....I heard tonight that the 3 top places to view stars are Chile, Hawaii and Tenerife! (The latter due to the height and clean air).

It's mind boggling that what we are looking at, in the night sky, is the past. The light delay is over 400 years ago, e.g. the North Star!!! :ohmy:
Just to briefly go back to the recent chat on stars....I heard tonight that the 3 top places to view stars are Chile, Hawaii and Tenerife! (The latter due to the height and clean air).

It's mind boggling that what we are looking at, in the night sky, is the past. The light delay is over 400 years ago, e.g. the North Star!!! :ohmy:

It puts me off looking knowing that.... I did know that and I don't look very often. Is that odd?
It puts me off looking knowing that.... I did know that and I don't look very often. Is that odd?
I would think it quite normal, e.g. I don't look up often either at the night sky.

I remember the weather man telling us that a certain night would be good to watch for meteors. There I was, in my front porch, looking up and eating a bag of crisps (the equivalent of popcorn at a movie I guess!) It was to be the first time I saw a meteor and I was SO disappointed! Just a brief, small streak across the sky. For some stupid reason I expected it to have a star twinkling at the tail end of it!

I do love colourful sunsets though.
Just to briefly go back to the recent chat on stars....I heard tonight that the 3 top places to view stars are Chile, Hawaii and Tenerife! (The latter due to the height and clean air).

It's mind boggling that what we are looking at, in the night sky, is the past. The light delay is over 400 years ago, e.g. the North Star!!! :ohmy:
Biggest telescopes are in the Davis Mountains in Texas. (McDonald Observatory) and it's companion is in the Australian outback.
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