The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I once poured a freshly made mug of tea into a stew I was making and went to drink the mug of stock. And a couple of nights ago, when I was making the Tuscan fries, I started to pour some oil into the saucepan of water I was going to poach the eggs in.
Post #156 in the "What did you cook....." thread. I did tag you, and you did "like" the post. I put a few notes on there too about how I made them, as well as what I thought of them.

There was a rumour that our newest "mall" in town was destined to include a McDonalds. Luckily the rumour was a complete fabrication.
Whenever friends on Farcebook post that they are going on holiday all their friends post messages such as "have a great time", "hope the weather's good" etc.

I'm the only one who posts "hope the plane don't crash".
This morning we went to our local garden centre for breakfast and to buy some stuff, we then spent a good few hours working in the front garden and achieved a great deal. It got too hot so we called it a day, showered and now waiting for lunch.

Beautiful day :sun::sun::sun::sun:
Yes lullabelle - clear blue sky and sunny here too in outerskirts of London! Tomorrow said to be a scorcher!

Today I managed to visit 3 different places (rare for me)! First I went to a local farmer's market that I used to cycle too but now took 2 buses to get there. Haven't been for over 5 years, i.e. before I became a full time carer. There were the usual stalls - veg, bakery, cheese, organic pressed apples, some potted plants etc. It was somewhat disappointing but then I couldn't take advantage of the fish and meat counters partly because I don't trust the small, frozen ice packs that they sit on! They may 'work'/chill food for an hour or so but the market is for 4 hours!

Then off to Richmond, mostly for the Whole Foods Market chain which is a huge, diverse health food supermarket-cum-self service restaurant! I had a nice selection of mixed beans and seed salads with the mistake accompaniment of a turkey meatball....let's just say that it could be used as a cricket bat! (Made a mental note not to get that again). I also took away a wonderful chilled drink they do (to drink on the long bus ride) - oatmilk, bananas, coffee, maple syrup and pecan nuts! It's to die for!! I had a lovely Italian icecream - mango sorbet whilst sitting on the green and trying not to notice the frequent planes overhead!

Last stop was Wimbledon village - mostly for their quality charity shops. Didn't get anything but then my size is not that easily catered for.
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It's opening day for trout season!!!

Unfortunately, we've had so much rain this past week the rivers look like Willy Wonka's chocolate river, so I think we'll look for a stocked pond nearby.
No gardening tomorrow, we will be out walking and soaking in the rays, as a blonde I will use sunscreen.
For the first time this year I took my orchids outside in the sunshine and gave them a thorough soaking in rain water.
Whenever friends on Farcebook post that they are going on holiday all their friends post messages such as "have a great time", "hope the weather's good" etc.

I'm the only one who posts "hope the plane don't crash".
I have a friend who was constantly telling where he was. One day, another friend and I commented oh he's far enough away, we can go move his lawn ornaments around.
He quit posting his every move after that. I figure he got teased at work since in his line of work he should know better than to announce an empty house.
I have a friend who was constantly telling where he was. One day, another friend and I commented oh he's far enough away, we can go move his lawn ornaments around.
He quit posting his every move after that. I figure he got teased at work since in his line of work he should know better than to announce an empty house.

Some people give away far too much on social media.
I just watched a travel programme on Miami and they had stone crab at Joe's Stone Crabs, restaurant. They were in awe of the flavour - one of them saying it was the most amazing meal he had ever had! It did look very juicy and they wore bibs (given to them) to gorge themselves! I love crab and it made me want to compile a bucket list i.e. on it would be to go there to eat it!

Anyone here been to this restaurant and had this stone crab and/or eaten Florida stone crab? If so, what did you think of it? Said to be cooked as soon as it is caught i.e. always fresh.
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