The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I rarely drink but I thought of (theoretically) a good idea for a cocktail yesterday. I had to use up the organic maple syrup (use by date) and realised it goes well with rum. I had in mind to have a maple syrup, rum and coconut milk cocktail (similar to pina colada but bypassing the pineapple juice - the sweetness being provided by the maple syrup).

It would have worked fine had I not placed the small tin of coconut milk in the fridge (where the syrup was also kept)....yeah, you guessed it! On opening the tin the fat (from the milk) had congealed and was laborious to incorporate into the liquidy part.

As for the taste - pretty good. It's been a long time since I drank a spirit (usually opt for wine or cider) and my body wouldn't 'allow' me to drink much....felt like there was a message being sent saying 'incoming - poison!' Sign of age I guess. :stop: :headshake:
It's been a long time since I drank a spirit (usually opt for wine or cider) and my body wouldn't 'allow' me to drink much....felt like there was a message being sent saying 'incoming - poison!' Sign of age I guess. :stop: :headshake:

I know what you mean. I normally drink beer and very occasionally wine. If I go near spirits these days my body has an unmistakable way of warning me. It collapses my legs!
I know what you mean. I normally drink beer and very occasionally wine. If I go near spirits these days my body has an unmistakable way of warning me. It collapses my legs!

Red wine is my choice of tipple although I am aiming for a dry May, no booze what so ever.
Heading to Montreal for a few days. My youngest has just completed her second year at University, so we're going for some shopping and eating. Going to check out the old city, eat 5 times a day, and find some well positioned patios to sit at while she is off shopping for girly things...see you all in a few days..don't have too much fun with out me...
But, first, off to work for a couple of hours to make three days worth of soups for them to sell while I am gone....sigh...
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My local area seems to have a plethora of goldfinches at the moment. They seem to be everywhere, which is pleasing as they are one of the few colourful birds that we have in the (dis)United Kingdom. The correct collective noun is a charm, which is highly appropriate.

Heading to Montreal for a few days. My youngest has just completed her second year at University, so we're going for some shopping and eating. Going to check out the old city, eat 5 times a day, and find some well positioned patios to sit at while she is off shopping for girly things...see you all in a few days..don't have too much fun with out me...
But, first, off to work for a couple of hours to make three days worth of soups for them to sell while I am gone....sigh...
Have fun and send some photos of the food, if you can. :happy:
Have fun, Rock! :woot:

Hey, why don't you keep going Southeast for another 350 miles?

Did you ever hear the one about the 2 Newfies that went on a trip to see Montreal?

When they were almost there, the saw a sign that said, "Montreal - Left", so they went back home...:meh:
Have fun, Mypinch.

I'm in just hour 2 of a 17 hour shift. :( I need to find someone to go on the roof of our building with me to look at some satellite dishes. We're not allowed to go up alone anymore for safety purposes.

The Eb/No of 2 return feeds of the golf tournament today is fluctuating wildly. It's probably just a couple of dirty fibers off a E/O splitter coming down to the receivers.

Just in case anyone was curious. :okay:

Ah, the joys of modern technology. Gone are the days when a node failure just meant the room went strangely quiet*.

*31/10/71, PO Tower bombing.
@Cinisajoy I just heard about the deadly storms hitting Texas culminating in tornadoes and floods.

I do hope that you have enough warning and that you are safe.
No worries. Those storms were 411 miles (661 km) east of me.

I was hoping you were far away. I also realized that a lot of folks don't understand just how big Texas is.
I looked it up, and Texas is equivalent to almost 3 UKs.
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