The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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@Lullabelle, I have a wonderful yellow azalea that has a lovely sweet scent.
You remind me that I should take a photo of it as it is also at its best.
Will you share your pictures?
Ugh, I just found out that I won't have a day off until June 3rd. My last day off was April 22nd. I feel like a rat on a wheel.
buckytom, if you weren't so efficient they might give you some time off. Or not.

Does anyone have the plans for building an ark? We've had so much rain lately I'm making sure my toes don't become webbed and I don't grow gills.
@Lullabelle, I have a wonderful yellow azalea that has a lovely sweet scent.
You remind me that I should take a photo of it as it is also at its best.
Will you share your pictures?


I am not the best photographer in the world but you get the idea.
Scotty worked in the engine room of the ship.
He is the guy that keeps the tv station going. Same idea, different engine.
He is the one that gets called in when shows can't get through.
Example when the feed to the Grammys went down.
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