The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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OK fair enough - it was just a suggestion
There's no reason as to why holidays, celebrations and traditions can't be renamed to include entertaining/entertainment because other than special birthdays etc entertaining generally happens at those periods.

If anyone can come up with a sensible title to represent all including entertaining then I'm all ears.

There's no reason as to why holidays, celebrations and traditions can't be renamed to include entertaining/entertainment because other than special birthdays etc entertaining generally happens at those periods.

If anyone can come up with a sensible title to represent all including entertaining then I'm all ears.

Celebration spreads?
Had to call a courier company today to find out why they wouldn't let 1 of our suppliers use our account even though they have our permission, turns out they have put us on hold because we didn't pay them on the exact day and second they expect :facepalm:
Since the original photo appeared in my post which no longer has an edit facility, how would I be able to insert the revised/lightened photo?

Perhaps this is my mistake and its to do with length of membership - but i can certainly edit my very old posts (and could do when I was an ordinary member). Are you saying that if you go to that post it has no green edit button (bottom left of post)?
Was yesterday and early this morning rain everywhere day?
It rained in Missouri, Texas, I think Australia and now England.
That is just what I have read about in the last hour.
Was yesterday and early this morning rain everywhere day?
It rained in Missouri, Texas, I think Australia and now England.
That is just what I have read about in the last hour.

We have had almost non stop rain since Monday. Lovely and sunny now but a big heavy black cloud is heading this way :(
Perhaps this is my mistake and its to do with length of membership - but i can certainly edit my very old posts (and could do when I was an ordinary member). Are you saying that if you go to that post it has no green edit button (bottom left of post)?
Yes the edit facility had long since gone/expired but I see you have reinstated the newly edited (lightened) photo! Thanks!!
We had our new smart meter installed this afternoon, we even get our own monitor so we can see how much electricity we are using, it is a bit of fun for now but it won't last. Only 2 of us so we know we don't use much.
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On an average day: we use approximately 12 kw. On laundry days we use roughly 20kw. What is interesting on non-laundry days, you can tell when the coffee maker was turned on or the tv or any other appliance. The graph on those days measures in 0.2 kilowatts on the hourly chart. On laundry days it measures in killowatts.
Was yesterday and early this morning rain everywhere day?
It rained in Missouri, Texas, I think Australia and now England.
That is just what I have read about in the last hour.
Technically, we were dry in southern MA yesterday. However, about 12:45 AM today we had two rounds of thunderstorms. I really enjoy watching lightening flash, listening to thunder roll - all good as long as no damage occurs or we lose power. This was a good show!
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