The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I am not the best photographer in the world but you get the idea.

Very lovely.

This azalea was already growing here when we moved in 30 years ago! I love it. I keep it at this height so I can reach it.
Raining yet again today, it seems never ending, my plants and lawn like it but alas so do the weeds :(
The definition of a weed is just a plant in the wrong place! I am a naturalist garden so welcome most of nature's gifts. I converted my boring and high maintenance lawn into a lawn meadow (much more visually appealing and becoming more fashionable now due to encouraging wildlife etc). I realise people have lawns for a reason but that was defunct in my case.

Photos on page 11 of the Your Photos thread - #163 of my natural front garden (wild flowers) and #164 of the lawn meadow.
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I'm afraid I can't resist charity shops, to Mrs MY's annoyance (don't know what she's complaining about, she knows where to look for me.) Many years ago I picked up a plate camera, now a treasured possession, and today I spotted a RS IEC socket block that I'm sure will come in useful. Currently I'm collecting small silver items and found a silver napkin ring a while back in a charity shop.
Raining yet again today, it seems never ending, my plants and lawn like it but alas so do the weeds :(
I took the mutt out for a quick walk at about 6.45 a.m. in a lull between downpours. He was not amused. "His" field was a large lake and he had to put up with a walk around the roads. It started raining again shortly after we got home and was still raining this last night. I think walkies will be off the menu tomorrow. Luckily greyhounds do not need a lot of exercise. Besides, he hates water - it only has to be spitting with rain when I open the front door and he goes into reverse very quickly, and he can reverse nearly as quickly as he goes forward :laugh:
Raining here also - freak weather system heading East over the med. Decided to go sailing - best of a bad job, bound to get wet anyway. On arrival at the boat hire shed found it closed due to bad weather. They obviously haven't got the hang of mad dog Englishmen yet
Haven't seen it, is it really that bad?
I don't think so. They have lost weight, scrubbed up well and look fairly presentable! I guess not everyone likes the laidback look though (or maybe it's the beards)?
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