The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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We did a big shop today, last Christmas present and a few bits towards the Christmas, we used all the necter points collected up all year, £25.00! That was it it for the whole year, normally it is more but I suppose they are making cut backs.

Anyway, pressie wrapping will be done this weekend.
We usually use our Tesco loyalty points [easy enough as Tesco is our 'local'] We have just over £65 this year - pretty much pays for our Christmas food and drink and a joint for the new year too, [there is only the two of us]
We usually use our Tesco loyalty points [easy enough as Tesco is our 'local'] We have just over £65 this year - pretty much pays for our Christmas food and drink and a joint for the new year too, [there is only the two of us]

We do not have a local Tesco, only an Express just around the corner. We have a choice between Sainsburys and ASDA, I have no issue with ASDA but our local is full of unwashed fag smelling greasy yobs-and that is just the staff :facepalm:
On supermarket savings, we have saved over $250 this last year (in store) with Woolworths. They also have a Christmas special on at the moment spend $150 a week (total for all your weekly shopping Monday to Sunday) for each of the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas and you'll get $70 back off your next shop. Sadly they don't give you the choice to collect the money off. When it gets to 2,000 points which is $10 it is taken off your shopping automatically.

But each time you spend more than $30 at the till you get a fuel voucher as well which saves you 4c per litre. I've managed to use all of mine up because I've got a fault on my car where it isn't letting us fill the car up. I can only get 30L in to the car when she days she's empty... It's a 57L tank. She's at the garage on Monday to get to the bottom of it. I can't have a fuel tank I can't fill full. We don't live close enough to any petrol station (with sensible opening hours).
G has a rifle that belonged to his Grandfather. I am having it mounted in a shadow box for our Grandson. I met with a man who does woodwork. He showed me different wood for the box. I chose pecky cypress - very rustic. Mr. Bob will plane the boards and I will return to his shop to decide how I want it finished. I printed a copy of the owner's manual and copied it to an old looking paper. The plan is to tear and singe the edges and use that to cover the back of the box. I also have a copy of a photo of G's Grandfather - Grandson's great, great grandfather. I have information about the gun - designer, patent date, when it went into production, where it was produced, year it was purchased and price paid - 1928 $14.55. I will type that up and include it as part of the background. Grandson is 17, a very sweet, loving young man. He loves hearing stories about his ancestors and has admired that rifle since he was a little boy. I am seriously stoked. He will appreciate having it mounted and all of the history associated with it.
When G is out of town the Girls (2 cats) usually wake me between 5:30 and 6:00 - feeding time. This morning they did not wake me. They were very comfortably snuggled against me. G called at 7:00. "Have you looked outside?" "DUHH no I was seeping" I opened the blinds and saw this very strange white stuff on the lawn. SNOW!! :laugh::D:laugh:

You have to understand that snow in this part of the country is a very rare occurrence. It was not much - I could see the grass peeking through the snow. No snow angels or snow men. It was also very wet - it has been raining for the last 2 days. The local TV channel had photos of snow men sent in by viewers - the best was all of 8" tall!

The snow was gone within 2 hours. The sky is completely overcast, humidity in the 90% range, temp 37 degrees F. Nasty, cold, bone chilling. If there was no overcast and the humidity was lower 37 degrees would be very pleasant.

G is in north east Louisiana - hunting camp. They had 2 inches of snow! It actually stuck - they did not have the rain for the last two days.

I have not turned on the central heat. The LPG fireplace keeps the living areas warm. It is turned off at night. I always sleep best when it is chilly. I usually have a sheet and 2 micro fleece blankets on the bed. I did add a third micro fleece blanket to the bed last night. The ceiling fans are used summer and winter. I have a hard time sleeping without moving air. G has an artificial heart valve and is on blood thinners. He is more sensitive to the cold than I am. When he is home I add a micro fleece throw to his side of the bed.

Our weather is so crazy that we may be wearing shorts for Christmas.
When G is out of town the Girls (2 cats) usually wake me between 5:30 and 6:00 - feeding time. This morning they did not wake me. They were very comfortably snuggled against me. G called at 7:00. "Have you looked outside?" "DUHH no I was seeping" I opened the blinds and saw this very strange white stuff on the lawn. SNOW!! :laugh::D:laugh:

You have to understand that snow in this part of the country is a very rare occurrence. It was not much - I could see the grass peeking through the snow. No snow angels or snow men. It was also very wet - it has been raining for the last 2 days. The local TV channel had photos of snow men sent in by viewers - the best was all of 8" tall!

The snow was gone within 2 hours. The sky is completely overcast, humidity in the 90% range, temp 37 degrees F. Nasty, cold, bone chilling. If there was no overcast and the humidity was lower 37 degrees would be very pleasant.

G is in north east Louisiana - hunting camp. They had 2 inches of snow! It actually stuck - they did not have the rain for the last two days.

I have not turned on the central heat. The LPG fireplace keeps the living areas warm. It is turned off at night. I always sleep best when it is chilly. I usually have a sheet and 2 micro fleece blankets on the bed. I did add a third micro fleece blanket to the bed last night. The ceiling fans are used summer and winter. I have a hard time sleeping without moving air. G has an artificial heart valve and is on blood thinners. He is more sensitive to the cold than I am. When he is home I add a micro fleece throw to his side of the bed.

Our weather is so crazy that we may be wearing shorts for Christmas.

No snow here although it is supposed to arrive Sunday :hyper:, we intend to go foe a walk i the snow :happy:

All year round our bedroom window is open, we both like air coming in at night because we cannot sleep if it is hot and stuffy. One of my colleagues leaves her heating on over night :ohmy:
One of my colleagues leaves her heating on over night :ohmy:

My heating is on a thermostat set at 22.5 C. Its on all night and day. However, I have the radiator turned off in the bedroom so it is cool there. As for opening a window - that would be out of the question as the traffic roars past here a few inches from my house. The noise is impossible but for the double glazing.
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What we get is more slush than snow. Not something you want to go for a walk in. Most rare is real snow. Dry ground so it does not immediately turn into slush. Stable temperature so it does not melt immediately. Enough accumulation to make snow angels or a snow man. That kind of snow is maybe a ten - fifteen year event.

Kind of crazy to those of you living in colder climates - the least bit of snow is an excuse for school closures.

@morning glory - Fortunately we live in a relatively quiet subdivision. There is major road construction going on 2 blocks from the house but they shut down at night.
... you can see how close I live to the road (I am very pleased with my window boxes though, given that it is December):


What we get is more slush than snow. Not something you want to go for a walk in. Most rare is real snow. Dry ground so it does not immediately turn into slush. Stable temperature so it does not melt immediately. Enough accumulation to make snow angels or a snow man. That kind of snow is maybe a ten - fifteen year event.

Kind of crazy to those of you living in colder climates - the least bit of snow is an excuse for school closures.

@morning glory - Fortunately we live in a relatively quiet subdivision. There is major road construction going on 2 blocks from the house but they shut down at night.

... you can see how close I live to the road (I am very pleased with my window boxes though, given that it is December):

View attachment 11996

We live off the main road but there can be noise, so we sleep in the back bedroom because it is so much quieter.
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