The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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G has a rifle that belonged to his Grandfather. I am having it mounted in a shadow box for our Grandson. I met with a man who does woodwork. He showed me different wood for the box. I chose pecky cypress - very rustic. Mr. Bob will plane the boards and I will return to his shop to decide how I want it finished. I printed a copy of the owner's manual and copied it to an old looking paper. The plan is to tear and singe the edges and use that to cover the back of the box. I also have a copy of a photo of G's Grandfather - Grandson's great, great grandfather. I have information about the gun - designer, patent date, when it went into production, where it was produced, year it was purchased and price paid - 1928 $14.55. I will type that up and include it as part of the background. Grandson is 17, a very sweet, loving young man. He loves hearing stories about his ancestors and has admired that rifle since he was a little boy. I am seriously stoked. He will appreciate having it mounted and all of the history associated with it.
Again you are lucky - We would be arrested for anything more dangerous than a plastic tea spoon. I have a .22 rifle fully decommissioned [blocked barrel no firing mechanism etc as a display piece [I also have the decommissioning certificate as required by law] and decided to sell/swap it for a black powder duelling pistol only to be told that the old decommissioning certificate is no longer good enough. To turn this back into a working firearm would be an almost impossible task [much easier for a criminal to buy one on the black market] requiring hours of precision engineering and lots of [now unavailable] parts.
My congrats to you on what sounds like a fine young man proud of his heritage. Sadly we are not so blessed.
My washing machine decided today was a good day to throw an E18 error at me. It has taken too many attempts to resolve to number, but we think we may just have fixed it. I'll find out in the morning when I try to wash a load of clothes!
If you hear a lot of swearing coming from my direction, you'll know that E18 is winning and I have a load of washing to clean by hand... (yes, I hear you, we've tested it empty, first 3 times we got the error code back, 4th time it worked on a freshen up cycled (15 minutes and shortest program) and 5th time it also worked on the clean drum cycle (90C).) So tomorrow we go for a third successful program, this time with something in it! After all it is meant to be able to do something other than just clean itself!
We usually use our Tesco loyalty points [easy enough as Tesco is our 'local'] We have just over £65 this year - pretty much pays for our Christmas food and drink and a joint for the new year too, [there is only the two of us]
I use my Tesco points as and when, but I've got about £60 in Sainsbury's points to use (I always used to use them to buy eBooks, but they stopped selling them) plus the money from the bank's reward scheme, which I transfer to my current account every Christmas. As I pay my electricity bill by direct debit to cover the whole year, I use part of my heating allowance to pay for presents and food at Christmas rather than pay it to the electricity company and then have to wait till the end of April to get it back. The rest of my heating allowance is credited directly to my account by the electricity company and covers any extra usage, but I so far I have always had a refund of some of my direct debit payments in April, which comes in handy if I go away for a few days.
My washing machine decided today was a good day to throw an E18 error at me. It has taken too many attempts to resolve to number, but we think we may just have fixed it. I'll find out in the morning when I try to wash a load of clothes!
If you hear a lot of swearing coming from my direction, you'll know that E18 is winning and I have a load of washing to clean by hand... (yes, I hear you, we've tested it empty, first 3 times we got the error code back, 4th time it worked on a freshen up cycled (15 minutes and shortest program) and 5th time it also worked on the clean drum cycle (90C).) So tomorrow we go for a third successful program, this time with something in it! After all it is meant to be able to do something other than just clean itself!
My dishwasher kept going wrong after I'd had a replacement part fitted to it (manufacturer's recall). The only way to make sure it was working properly was to stand there and watch the damn thing. It took about 3 months to sort itself out. Luckily my tumble dryer has a different filter to the ones that are causing a lot of problems including fire risk.
This evening we are going to our local pub for the Comedy Christmas evening, a 3 course meal then entertainment from 2 comedians, last years was great fun so we definitely wanted to do it again this year.

The company Christmas do is also this evening but we had already booked and paid for the comedy so can't go, our colleagues are going into town for beer and curry so I don't mind missing it, our evening will be a lot more fun :laugh:
No one would dare leave their windows open round here, except in day time and if you were in that same room......:(

We are pretty secure as most of the houses have an alleyway that is locked, some have dogs and our neighbour has many security lights back and front,the front on the houses is too exposed and getting into a back garden takes some doing.
@ElizabethB My sister's late father-in-law used to be a partner in a gun shop in Pall Mall, London in the 1950s and 1960s. G would have loved it, I'm sure. Wall to wall guns of all types, some antique, some modern. He eventually retired and sold his share to his partner. The shop is still there and is still a gun shop, although the name has changed now. Where my ex and I had our shop, there was a gun shop a few doors down from us, which mainly used to sell modern guns including airguns and BB guns, and just round the corner was a western store which sold wild west type guns. We also used to sell guns, mainly deactivated guns and replica guns. We also used to repair some guns which the other shops couldn't. When I was a teenager I used to belong to a local gun club, and used to use a .33 rifle. Many years later, after my ex and I split up I had some BB guns, a rather nice pistol, and a deactivated Magnum (although it wouldn't have taken much to activate it again :wink:), but I sold them all as I needed the money:laugh:
We are pretty secure as most of the houses have an alleyway that is locked, some have dogs and our neighbour has many security lights back and front,the front on the houses is too exposed and getting into a back garden takes some doing.
They are just as likely to break in and steal the dog round here. One chap, who lives a bit further into east London, rehomed a grey from the same kennels as the mutt last weekend, and had it stolen at knifepoint on the Monday! He got it back pretty quick though. The power of social media does have some uses. A chap nearby had security lights fitted in his front garden - thieves used the light from them to strip his car in the middle of the night, and before I had my windows replaced someone climbed into my back garden (and it's mid-terrace!) and tried to break in through my kitchen window. Call it premonition, but a few days before I'd been into B&Q and bought a security lock for it - one of the type that screw through the window latch into the frame. All my windows stay well and truly locked, as well as the front door, porch door, and back door, even when I'm home. Years ago I used to do an Avon round - only in the street where I live and the one we're a turning off of. After 7.30 it was pointless going round to customers; their houses would all be locked up like Fort Knox. And we live in one of the area's quieter streets!
(although it wouldn't have taken much to activate it again
A genuine de-activation certificate requires [or required] that the barrel is solidly filled [with metal - can not be bored out, not an easy task anyway, as the rifling would be lost] at the very least and even that is not enough now. Seems I am stuck with a display item I can not trade or exchange for another. Apparently the politicians and police believe that a criminal would rather buy a deactivated gun then find a new barrel then a new firing mechanism then fit it all together rather than just buy an illegal gun in the first place.We live in a strange blinkered country. I remember when I was young boy scouts and girl guides could carry a pen knife and go camping and use an AXE !!!! - now - Oh no they might even cut themselves or perhaps such things would turn them into insane psychotic murderers - pathetic. The 'nanny state' does little to protect us in reality but it pretends it does - sad
@morning glory

LOVE your window boxes!

Before the garage was converted into a den we used the large center room as a den. Now it is a combination dining/sitting room. There is a bay window facing the back yard. It is wider but not as deep as yours. The draw back - it faces west. - hot in the summer. At one time there were mini blinds in the windows. I really do not like mini blinds. Very difficult to keep clean with cats in the house.
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