The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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At the same time as you posted @Lullabelle that it was snowing, it was already 25C here. It's now 30C and due to increase by another 4C yet. But and this is a big but, it is windy and you have just reminded me that there is a load of washing in the washing m achine and I need to see if it has finished without erroring and then get the clothes onto the washing line, double pegged. The wind is the sort of gusty wind that will see my washing half way down the valley if I'm not careful!
Well, I'm $5 richer for hanging out the washing. I have no idea how or where it came from but I'm not complaining. Its blowing a gale out there today. A hot furnace type gale that is a hang onto the rotatory washing line with one hand, whilst trying to not loose your sunhat with the other and somehow you have to hang the washing. Cue my rooster getting excited over something so I turn around to look and see the feed bucket blowing away from me. Next to it folded in half and totally dry is a $5 bill! So I grab it before my roo does and its totally dry (mind you so is the washing by the time I have hung all of it up, well most of it is dry by the time I have managed to hang it all up)... I have no idea where it came from because there is little of my husband's except for underwear and 1 work shirt in this load of washing and the only set of trousers are mine and I don't typically bother carrying money around. No point, I rarely leave the area of our home and that is a long way from any shops. So I'm $5 up.

I also raided the chook house even though its only 12pm to find 4 chooks in 2 nesting boxes. Only its a 3 in one of them and 1 in the other. And its 3 in the smallest one. They were side by side with the one in the middle covered by the opened wings of the other 2, so she's under 2 layers of wings whilst the others are panting from the heat. 2 of the chooks got moved into another larger nesting box which was empty... I shall not understand chooks, ever!
What a difference a couple of days make. My electric fire was on for about 48 hours solid. I turned it off at lunch time today because it was warmer and haven't had to put it on since, in spite of having the back door open for a while tonight for the mutt. It's been spitting with rain on and off, and the snow on my car has finally melted (no one else in the street had snow on their cars yesterday - don't know why it decided to stay on mine). However, there is a crack in the windscreen - no doubt due to the cold. Luckily it is not in my line of vision - it's where the tax disc used to go - but I'll have to get it repaired soon.

This is what the table and chairs on my patio look like now. It was clear when I left this morning. I guess I'll be eating inside today.
This evening we had beef stew and dumplings for dinner, normally that would be a Sunday meal but we are meeting my family tomorrow and having lunch so we will only require a light meal in the evening. Today feels like a Sunday :o_o:
I know we don't talk much about politics around here (probably a good thing) but have a chew on this: It was announced yesterday that our late Prime Minister (Cameron, of brexit fiasco fame) is being sent to China with £750m to invest in their infrastructure. Given the parlous state of our own infrastructure (are we not relying on Chinese investment to help build our nuclear power stations? ) and the fact that the Chinese have so much spare cash that they can afford to buy up most of London, what on earth is going on?
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