The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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yep - 28th - at least when you get older being close to Christmas does allow everything to be tucked into a nice neat bundle - not so sure when you're small though, years seem much longer then and waiting all year for Christmas and birthday just takes forever
Is it not possible to arrange time out/off? :ohmy:

I do go away from home to travel & eat out with friends or see shows to keep me sane. I've some plans for January.

What I would love is some time at home without the constant need to cook for & clean up behind my hubby & teens. To be able to watch a movie or read a book without disruption.
TBH most people I ask like the prawn cocktail - it reminds me of the £5 meal deals you used to get in the 70's that everybody [especially the celebrity chefs] seems to laugh at for some weird reason - prawn cocktail [or melon] - steak and chips - choccy cake + cream or cheese [and sometimes a coffee too]. I used to love 'em - wish you could get a similar deal now.
Ah well - another 12 months and I can have another cigar :D
What I would love is some time at home without the constant need to cook for & clean up behind my hubby & teens. To be able to watch a movie or read a book without disruption.

You have my sympathy. I have to twenty somethings living at home plus a retired partner. There is rarely a time when I'm on my own.
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