The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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If he's no better by Wednesday, take him to the vet. If he gets worse, a phone call and/or visit to the emergency vet may be in order. Tippy was very sick the other night, and I had visions of him being ill all over Christmas. Then I remembered - I'd put a little bit of sea salt on my chips. It must have got on the ones I saved on the edge of the plate for him. He's been fine since.

I gave him only half his normal food yesterday and there haven't been any other accidents. He seems perfectly well - full of energy. So fingers crossed.
I managed to completely surprise my husband he had no idea about the stockings I'd made though he did think his was a k koala not a wombat! Everything genuinely was a surprise and the picture on his face was fantastic. One of his cards have him the best smile I have seen from him in a long time! I knew he didn't know about the stockings so I'd bought a few stocking fillers for myself as well to make it easier and these included some new measuring spoons because my old set had a broken tablespoon on it. Curiously the new set does not have a dessert spoon size but does have a half tablespoon size instead. I also got some double sided cookie cutters (fluted edge of straight edge) in a variety of sizes that all fit in one tin for storage. They went down well with him.. The new toaster he had asked for came as a complete surprise to him. I guess he thought I wasn't listening (cough).

There were a few non cooking related items and another chook had gone broody today. So we were joined by the egg eater whose in disgrace and solitary and my generic fluke of a chook who is totally pure white with the softest plumage ever but it's actually a pure breed silver laced wyandotte. Technically she's a white laced white wyandotte hence being totally white known as a white sport wyandotte.. She's also a screw loose and batty as hell. So Christmas day lunch on the veranda was spent with additional company!

The snow melted, until yesterday. This is what it looks like today. I cleared a little area of the grass for the dogs, since they're both very small (a pug and a Boston terrier). This is actually the first time in a while that we had a white Christmas.

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We have never and will never take part in the Boxing day sales :headshake:

My wife once bought me a Samsonite suitcase for Christmas. Then she saw that it was reduced by 20 quid in the Boxing Day sales. She took my one back and said that it was unsuitable and got her money back. The next day she went back, ensuring that she avoided the original salesman, and bought another one.
My wife once bought me a Samsonite suitcase for Christmas. Then she saw that it was reduced by 20 quid in the Boxing Day sales. She took my one back and said that it was unsuitable and got her money back. The next day she went back, ensuring that she avoided the original salesman, and bought another one.
Hubby once bought me some fancy underwear. 1 bra and 2 sets of knickers. They were genuinely the wrong size as it turned out. So a few days later we went back to the shop and the lady looked at what he bought, then at me (same assistant who had helped him choose them as it turned out) and we'll we went shopping. I came home with 2 bras, 6 sets of knickers, suspenders belt and stockings and still had cash given back to me! After that he learnt his lesson.
My wife once bought me a Samsonite suitcase for Christmas. Then she saw that it was reduced by 20 quid in the Boxing Day sales. She took my one back and said that it was unsuitable and got her money back. The next day she went back, ensuring that she avoided the original salesman, and bought another one.
Five and a duckling!
That isn't as far wrong as it could be. There is a small chance she is sitting on a ducks nest (an aussie wood duck) we have many in the area and the ducks often (too often) feed from the chooks wet mash that goes down!

The only issue there is that ducks eggs take 28 days. Chicken eggs take 21 days.
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