The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Had a similar prob with mould in our bathroom :( The cleaner stuff did a fine job BUT I forgot the spray [sort of a sqeezy bottle] goes in ALL directions - I now have a green and grey speckled sweater :eek: still it will be ok if I ever need to go in camo across the tunda come the next ice age :okay:

My dad told me yesterday he uses 1 bottle of stuff in his bathroom, he has a walk in shower-installed when mum could no longer climb in or out of the bath-he was going to text me the name of it. As well as that I use cif bathroom cleaner and bleach down the loo so 3 bottles and a lot of chemicals :o_o: keeps it clean though.
My dad told me yesterday he uses 1 bottle of stuff in his bathroom, he has a walk in shower-installed when mum could no longer climb in or out of the bath-he was going to text me the name of it. As well as that I use cif bathroom cleaner and bleach down the loo so 3 bottles and a lot of chemicals :o_o: keeps it clean though.

You lot are really clean! Compared to this house, I mean. :oops:
Both of my parents were very house proud so it is something us 3 were brought up with although my sister has gone completely the other way. Having a cat makes me paranoid about our house being smelly :unsure:

Cats are generally not too bad (apart from litter trays if you use one):sick:. Dogs however, can smell quite 'doggy'.
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If it's drinks & not a sit down meal then surely you could be a little late? I'm a pedant for time generally but when it comes to the more modern informal gathering I constantly find that 1 means 1:30. Drives me a bit bonkers but I've learned to relax a bit with these things.

Regarding the missing eggs - we found a huge clutch in the parsley patch 2 summers ago. Actually, Loki found them. He brought them to OH one by one, ever so gently.

I'm simply not a social person. It stresses me out. I have issues with my hearing. I hear people across the room more clearly than a person sitting next to me. So holding a conversation is really difficult especially when people don't know if these problems (which is mostly everyone because it's hard to explain to people). I also hear too much. The range I can hear is greater than most people and it is physically painful either of the volume is to high (high for me) or at the top end of the range (high pitched sounds hurt my ears). I used to hate CRT TV's because most emitted a high pitched buzz which I could hear a good distance away even through a wall or two. So hotel rooms or semi detached or terraced houses caused problems and if our own TV emitted the buzz.... I could tell you if the TV was on in our home the moment I parked up and opened the car door! LCD TV's have been a blessing for me.

So I'm knackered, feeling off colour and have masses to do. All I want to do is sleep.

As for the missing eggs, well I caught one of the chicks we hand raised eating one 2 days ago. There were 2 broken eggs in 2 different nests. She's now in solitary. We had said when we identified the egg eater she was for the chop but it's my husband's favourite chook sadly. The one that used to sit on his shoulder and watch TV with him whilst I add in hospital. So I'm trying to break they behaviour. I doubt I will be able but unless I try...
Cats are generally not too bad (apart from litter trays if you use one):sick:. Dogs however, can smell quite 'doggy'.

We do have a tray which isn't too bad but we are now using new stuff that has an odour which is supposed to be pleasant but actually smells of chemicals. She is 7 years old and doesn't get on with our new neighbours cat, long story but she no longer 'goes' outside which is why the tray is back in the hallway.
Tippy has an old blanket to get on when he has been out in the garden or if he is wet. He stays on there until he is dry. Even that blanket doesn't smell at all.

Its possible that you are nose blind to it. Not likely though as I know you are a super taster (did I get that right?) so I think smell would be very key to that. I'm very 'aroma sensitive'. There are smells I can't bear, some of which others seem to like. Scented candles are the main culprits.
Its possible that you are nose blind to it. Not likely though as I know you are a super taster (did I get that right?) so I think smell would be very key to that. I'm very 'aroma sensitive'. There are smells I can't bear, some of which others seem to like. Scented candles are the main culprits.
I don't think so, as I can smell the cats, particularly if they are wet. My friend came round yesterday for the first time in several months (she's been travelling) and she would soon say if he smelt. I'm not keen on scented anything, except for my pomegranate washing up liquid - that smells gorgeous :happy:
Greyhounds don't smell doggy. They have a sort of almondy smell. Absolutely lovely :D
@ Lullabelle I find some cat litters smell worse than what they are supposed to hide :(

This stuff isn't too bad, it masked the smell of her wee, we once made the mistake of buying stuff that clumped when wet, it stuck to her fur and took ages to get it off never again.
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