The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Curious sights on Boxing Day:

1) The temperature was about 1C yesterday afternoon and we spotted a chap walking around wearing a quilted jacket, hat and thermal gloves. Thus far, sensible enough. He was also, however, wearing shorts.

2) At a bus stop, a pair of women's shoes was lying neatly placed in the bus shelter. The shoes were in no way damaged and there were no buses running.
I'm simply not a social person. It stresses me out. I have issues with my hearing. I hear people across the room more clearly than a person sitting next to me. So holding a conversation is really difficult especially when people don't know if these problems (which is mostly everyone because it's hard to explain to people). I also hear too much. The range I can hear is greater than most people and it is physically painful either of the volume is to high (high for me) or at the top end of the range (high pitched sounds hurt my ears). I used to hate CRT TV's because most emitted a high pitched buzz which I could hear a good distance away even through a wall or two. So hotel rooms or semi detached or terraced houses caused problems and if our own TV emitted the buzz.... I could tell you if the TV was on in our home the moment I parked up and opened the car door! LCD TV's have been a blessing for me.

So I'm knackered, feeling off colour and have masses to do. All I want to do is sleep.

As for the missing eggs, well I caught one of the chicks we hand raised eating one 2 days ago. There were 2 broken eggs in 2 different nests. She's now in solitary. We had said when we identified the egg eater she was for the chop but it's my husband's favourite chook sadly. The one that used to sit on his shoulder and watch TV with him whilst I add in hospital. So I'm trying to break they behaviour. I doubt I will be able but unless I try...

I think I saw something about using ping pong balls. They can’t crack them so eventually learn it’s pointless.

Re the tv noise. I could always tell walking past a house if the tv was on or off by a buzzy noise no one else could hear.

My son has a lot of Aspergers traits that we have worked really hard on since he was a toddler. I had his hearing tested & he can hear much higher pitched noises than is common for human beings. He used to really struggle with it & liked to get to school very early so the crowd built up slowly around him rather than get there at 9am & walk into the wall of noise & humanity. He is very self aware now & good at finding strategies to cope.
I think I saw something about using ping pong balls. They can’t crack them so eventually learn it’s pointless.

Re the tv noise. I could always tell walking past a house if the tv was on or off by a buzzy noise no one else could hear.

My son has a lot of Aspergers traits that we have worked really hard on since he was a toddler. I had his hearing tested & he can hear much higher pitched noises than is common for human beings. He used to really struggle with it & liked to get to school very early so the crowd built up slowly around him rather than get there at 9am & walk into the wall of noise & humanity. He is very self aware now & good at finding strategies to cope.
She's been on wooden eggs for a few days now. Just before I came to bed I settled another chook on to her new batch of pure breed eggs (collected today by car rather than relying on the postal service) and was at a loss as to what to do with the 2 ordinary eggs she'd been sitting on for the last 2 days. Not really wanting to kill the developing chicks inside even if they were only at the end of day 1 of 21,I have them to our trouble maker whom is partially broody but not quite there (she's really too young but it's showing a lot of the signs). Instead of pushing them away or attacking them, she nestled them then went and immediately sat on them. Perhaps with them already being warm... So knows. We will see what happens tomorrow. If she stays sitting we may just have diverted get attention and have gotten lucky.

As for aspergers, my (real/full) brother had aspergers and thinks I show more traits than he has. I have coping strategies with my dyslexia and I guess some of those may help, but crowds are crowds and I hate loud noises. Even loud music (which actually send me dizzy) or the TV too loud is annoying to me. Right now is bliss. It's almost 2am. It's wonderfully quiet except for something eating on the lawn (or what counts as the lawn) and I've just finished knitting before going back to bed again. I guess it's one of the reasons I don't mind being at home all day by myself despite living rurally and seeing no-one else during the day except for my husband.
Just back from seeing the latest star wars film at the cinema. Given the proximity to certain celebrations, we treated ourselves to the posh section of the theatre. Recliner seats, food and drinks service during the film, isles wide enough that people don't actually complain that my wheelchair is in the way... the food is pretty limited for dairy free vegetarian... So it's spring rolls with chilli dip and a tomato dip, spiced wedges with... And beer batter chips with the same sauce.... I was able to get a soya latte (weak, extra hot, don't ask this is an aussie thing of serving half cold coffee) and no one complains that you are rustling crisp packets or similar. There are less than 50 seats per screen and only 2 screens with this service and we've never been when it hasn't been sold out.

The only down side was that when we got home (after collecting an incubator from a friend) my broody chook wasn't sitting in her next box but outside of it with some of the eggs and she wasn't sitting on any of the eggs at all... Luckily with it being the very first day of incubation this should not affect the eggs other than delaying them. So tonight they went into the incubator along with some others to fill it and pay for hiring it (it means my friend can't be using it whilst I've got it) and we start again at day 0. My chook now has some 'i don't care eggs' under her and the good pure breed eggs are in the incubator only 1 is missing and I don't know where! Ordinarily I would have cleaned sterilised and tested the incubator but I don't really have time. The eggs I paid for have already started or been set so I can't really afford for them to hang around waiting for all of that to happen....
Yesterday we drove up north to see my husband's family for the annual get-together and present swapping, we were given 3 bunches of beautiful flowers-we don't have a vase so they are resting in an old bowl in the kitchen, a box of chocolates, a box of biscuits for cheese and 2 jars of chutney and booze a lot of booze. That will last us for the rest of the year :o_o:
I get a bit desperate for alone time.

I only get it while driving & that doesn’t really count.
Having worked for almost 30 years alone for 90% of every day either fixing traffic lights or beside motorways fixing telephones/signs believe me it can get a bit over rated, [I tend to talk to myself a lot now :oops: - it's a habit you get into] - the odd half hour in the bath is quite enough for me now
On a happy note just had my birthday :D Prawn cocktail starter [some laugh but I love 'em] A nice roast lamb joint and a choccy yule log [advantages of a birthday near Christmas] for after. Followed by a Havana cigar [wow £££] and a beer - not very posh but my day and I get to choose :okay:

Happy Birthday! :cake: And, believe me. I would have a Havana cigar occasionally if I didn't know I'd be back smoking if I did. I also like prawn cocktail - though not with mayo, as I'm intolerant of it but a good substitute using greek yoghurt.
On a happy note just had my birthday :D Prawn cocktail starter [some laugh but I love 'em] A nice roast lamb joint and a choccy yule log [advantages of a birthday near Christmas] for after. Followed by a Havana cigar [wow £££] and a beer - not very posh but my day and I get to choose :okay:

Happy birthday, nothing wrong with prawn cocktail :thumbsup:
@sidevalve happy birthday. Another Christmas babe then? My brother-in-law and another friend celebrate their birthdays on the 29th and hubby and I also got married 21 years ago over the Christmas period spending our honeymoon in Stockholm over the New Year period which was really great.

So it's it the 28th for yours? I think the timeline had it down add that, though for me it does as today at 9am which I think would make yesterday 10 pm for me translated into your time frame.
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